So we are in the new house, I am four weeks into my little challenge, and my daughter is rounding the end of her school year and the beginning of summer. Lot of new stuff going on as well. I am OFFICIALLY back do doing some part time personal training on the side. This has always, and will always be a passion of mine. I had done it for years and taken a slight break because with the scheduling, personal goals, and new twins it just didn't fit. Now it makes perfect sense again. My schedule is a little more flexible and a very close friend of mine who was the head trainer at Powerhouse who hired me there, then went onto open her own studio and recruited me there, has since closed her studio and is relocating. She has some of her clients who need someone to replace her and it just fits. If it were different timing (like my kids were older) I would have entertained more the idea of taking over the studio for her, but for now this option fits into my life. For those of you who know nothing about my training background here's a little of what I've done and what I prefer...
I have experience in one on one personal training, as well as group circuit training. I also have experience teaching group ex (more resistance type classes - like body pump than "cardio classes"), bootcamp style classes, and am looking to add SPIN certification to my list. I have taught in a gyms/wellness center, as well as some in home settings on my own. I have a naturally outgoing and enthusiastic personality and enjoy motivating and sharing my knowledge. On top of training knowledge, I also am experienced and comfortable with nutrition plans, calorie counts, and macro nutrient break downs. I am comfortable working with all different levels and needs... whether its a wife/mother, male/athlete, older client with limitations, or younger client with sports specific needs. I have covered everything from weight loss, to heart health being the focus, to lean muscle building. I also have worked at a gymnastics academy for three years both teaching and managing the facility, so am comfortable with childrens fitness and conditioning as well. I also was hired one year to teach "gym class" at my daughters pre school. As you can see for a period in time every where I went and everything I did revolved around fitness, it never ever felt like a "job" to me. And I'm excited to be getting back to that even if its not full time since I do have a small litter of children now lol
I have experience in one on one personal training, as well as group circuit training. I also have experience teaching group ex (more resistance type classes - like body pump than "cardio classes"), bootcamp style classes, and am looking to add SPIN certification to my list. I have taught in a gyms/wellness center, as well as some in home settings on my own. I have a naturally outgoing and enthusiastic personality and enjoy motivating and sharing my knowledge. On top of training knowledge, I also am experienced and comfortable with nutrition plans, calorie counts, and macro nutrient break downs. I am comfortable working with all different levels and needs... whether its a wife/mother, male/athlete, older client with limitations, or younger client with sports specific needs. I have covered everything from weight loss, to heart health being the focus, to lean muscle building. I also have worked at a gymnastics academy for three years both teaching and managing the facility, so am comfortable with childrens fitness and conditioning as well. I also was hired one year to teach "gym class" at my daughters pre school. As you can see for a period in time every where I went and everything I did revolved around fitness, it never ever felt like a "job" to me. And I'm excited to be getting back to that even if its not full time since I do have a small litter of children now lol
So that's that. Anyone interested in anything please message me for details, availability, rates, or just to chat goals. Over the next week I will start posting piece by piece my info on things I have written over the years that I go over with each and every new client. Its all saved on my main computer which being in the new house is not hooked up yet until my office is set so bare with me. People always say that should be top secret. That's how you make your money, not sharing too much. But I disagree, I truly want clients to LEARN. Eat, sleep, and breathe a healthy lifestyle or at the very least "healthier". I'm not here to hide anything from you. I am simply a motivator, making you accountable, and pushing and instructing you... I am no "GURU" or saint FITNESS. You have to learn and make it your own for it to truly work. So that's why I share so much... on my blog, in emails, on the phone etc. all for FREE, because that is not what you pay for... yes you pay for the knowledge, the tools, but most importantly you pay for the accountability, support, and direction. You can go out and buy a South Beach Diet book read it cover to cover, but what's it do for you if you don't do it? Same with exercise dvd or even gym memberships... if they collect dust on the shelf, what's it do for you?
As a trainer you will either love me or hate me, there's no in between. I don't need to yell, scream or belittle. But I do have to open your eyes to the truth, to the myths, and the excuses. I do have to hold you accountable and make you face yourself. It's more mental than physical, I say so often. So anyways, as you can see I could go on and on and on about this. I'm very passionate about it and I feel that it is what makes me different... I genuinely ENJOY seeing people do what they WANT TO, and if I can help, I'm tickled pink. See doesn't even sound like a "job"? But I also am not in it to be a billionaire and really only want clients who are READY to receive help. Who are ready to face themselves. Who are ready to change. It could be a little change, it could be a big change, but I feel success comes from word of mouth. I want to be happy with you and you happy with me, so we'll always make sure we're on the same page before starting a program.
I am looking for "walking billboards" to build clientele... so anyone serious and interested PLEASE email ASAP! What is a walking billboard? Well time to build my portfolio again and get the name back out in the community. So doing a very discounted 8 week program for a transformation type client program... before and afters, measurements, the whole nine, and discounted so you can achieve your goals inexpensively and spread the word... word of mouth is EVERYTHING, its how I've always gotten clients.
I am looking for "walking billboards" to build clientele... so anyone serious and interested PLEASE email ASAP! What is a walking billboard? Well time to build my portfolio again and get the name back out in the community. So doing a very discounted 8 week program for a transformation type client program... before and afters, measurements, the whole nine, and discounted so you can achieve your goals inexpensively and spread the word... word of mouth is EVERYTHING, its how I've always gotten clients.
So back to me.... first house... well we're here, it's not organized or completely situated but it's getting there. We've started outside cleaning up the yard, powerwashing and staining the deck (well I bought the stain a week ago but the weathers not cooperating), hubby's rebuilding the front porch, and most importantly we've set up the GRILL!! Healthy grilled food outside all summer it doesn't get any better! And the BONUS... I DON"T HAVE TO COOK!!!

The challenge... moving week was BADDDDD okay not bad enough to warrant 5 Ds, but not good. I actually did really good at first, but truthfully Memorial day weekend I unraveled a little, I had some little extras that I truly KNEW better than doing. And of course I played with the scale genies head and my own... I closed my eyes crossed my fingers and I didn't gain... I thought WOOO I'm in the clear... yeah nothing works like that lol I should know better. So I got right back on track, BUSTED but with nutrition, and exercise... and surprise, surprise, damn scale wouldn't budge!! Scale Genies - ONE... ME - ZERO ... I shall not taunt them again lol. Now I knew going in that this 8 weeks was not going to be miraculous, but I also don't want it to be for nothing, so focus is BACK.
I had "scheduled cheat meals" but they're messing me up! When I contest diet I've only taken cheats far into the diet when told to and at that point your heads so in it, it's actually hard to cheat (mentally) so you cheat your one meal and then get back on. When I've done my own prep I've never even taken them, never felt like I needed them or wanted them. Doing this challenge my heads not 100% "contest mode" and my cheats have wavered badly. That needs to and has been rectified, there's no need to ruin a whole week! With that said I did lose another two pounds totaling 5 pounds since I started. Now that does not sound like much at all, it's really not... BUT with moving I'm using this as an outlet to not slip up too badly and losing is better than not. Also since Jan 1st I've already lost 19 lbs BEFORE starting this challenge lol yes I was indeed sloppy fluffy lol so it's not like I'm on the first 10 pounds that come off easy I'm actually close to the last 10 before I would switch to contest prep mode, so its not easily falling off here, and I'm doing it properly to try to ensure its fat and not muscle... when theses few pounds drop they do stick, versus that weight bounce as well. I also am down I think another inch and half total off my hips and waist but don't quote me on that because I can't find my original book with my measurements. I'll find it before the challenge is over its in one of my "miscellaneous boxes" lol
On lifting notes... I am feeling stronger again and that's great considering I don't have a lifting partner for spots and I am doing a considerable amount of cardio (for me) and my energy has not been the greatest, so considering, all in all I have been happy with workouts.
I had "scheduled cheat meals" but they're messing me up! When I contest diet I've only taken cheats far into the diet when told to and at that point your heads so in it, it's actually hard to cheat (mentally) so you cheat your one meal and then get back on. When I've done my own prep I've never even taken them, never felt like I needed them or wanted them. Doing this challenge my heads not 100% "contest mode" and my cheats have wavered badly. That needs to and has been rectified, there's no need to ruin a whole week! With that said I did lose another two pounds totaling 5 pounds since I started. Now that does not sound like much at all, it's really not... BUT with moving I'm using this as an outlet to not slip up too badly and losing is better than not. Also since Jan 1st I've already lost 19 lbs BEFORE starting this challenge lol yes I was indeed sloppy fluffy lol so it's not like I'm on the first 10 pounds that come off easy I'm actually close to the last 10 before I would switch to contest prep mode, so its not easily falling off here, and I'm doing it properly to try to ensure its fat and not muscle... when theses few pounds drop they do stick, versus that weight bounce as well. I also am down I think another inch and half total off my hips and waist but don't quote me on that because I can't find my original book with my measurements. I'll find it before the challenge is over its in one of my "miscellaneous boxes" lol
On lifting notes... I am feeling stronger again and that's great considering I don't have a lifting partner for spots and I am doing a considerable amount of cardio (for me) and my energy has not been the greatest, so considering, all in all I have been happy with workouts.
So now with four weeks down and four to go I am getting serious about the water situation, I am one who usually doesn't care about water weight until the very end. I just don't see the point of trying to fight to keep it off the entire time you're dieting unless you just want to for vanity's sake, well now, yes, I have hit vanity's sake - it is summer time!... so I will start my day with lemons in my water and end it with asparagus (natural diuretic).
Other changes I will make... I have been completely supplement and stimulant free.. these last four weeks I am adding a little fat burner, and fish oil pills... opting with ALR Venom because I know I tolerate it well and it's only one pill, twice a day... it doesn't give me the shakes or make me crash and for me that's more vital than almost anything else. I also am adding an hour of cardio total to the week making it 6 hours total AND at least 3 sessions MUST be AM cardio on an empty stomach. I will update after a week of these changes and go from there. I see in my future the next week I may start cycling in some lower carb days as right now I am still pretty moderate and consistent with my carbs.
Other changes I will make... I have been completely supplement and stimulant free.. these last four weeks I am adding a little fat burner, and fish oil pills... opting with ALR Venom because I know I tolerate it well and it's only one pill, twice a day... it doesn't give me the shakes or make me crash and for me that's more vital than almost anything else. I also am adding an hour of cardio total to the week making it 6 hours total AND at least 3 sessions MUST be AM cardio on an empty stomach. I will update after a week of these changes and go from there. I see in my future the next week I may start cycling in some lower carb days as right now I am still pretty moderate and consistent with my carbs.
So few little tips I have found and will share... Kellogs makes a protein fiber water... little flavor packets you mix with your water (I like pink lemonade) 5 g of protein and 5 g of fiber! Also if I'm in a pinch or just feel like a little "treat" I will treat with Boston Market for lunch 1/4 white chicken (no skin), red skin garlic dill potatoes, and green beans - 440 calories, 11g fat, 31g carbs, 55 g protein, 6 g fiber! Again, it's a treat. It's take out, so it's high sodium (water weight) and higher unhealthier fat than home cooked, but not a bad option. Its good to know your options and make an educated choice verses something on a whim that you may think is on the "healthy side". Protein drinks I swear by: Isopure lemon teas... anyone who knows how I am, I do not enjoy spending money frivolously, especially on unnecessary supplement, but the protein drinks are staples for me. They're easy, to me they taste good (I am very picky) and where else can I drink 20 g of protein by just popping a top for $1.66 a serving? Put on ice I feel like its a nice tea treat... honestly. Paired with a handful of almonds its a perfect between meal snack or "mini meal".
Next blog cause I have rambled far too long now... Some Meal samples and maybe a workout sample... Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Next blog cause I have rambled far too long now... Some Meal samples and maybe a workout sample... Hope everyone has a great weekend!!