Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spring SEMESTER! Sure as hell doesn't feel like SPRING!!


Well this BLOG is going to be all over the place - JUST warning ya - more so than usual LOL And the reason for that is... dun dun dun I'm back to SCHOOL! My dedicated blog, answer questions, surf the boards time is eaten by homework time. If this (FITNESS) was my full time gig (which maybe someday it will be), you best believe I would be on top of every question, every blog, every recipe, every picture, every documented workout, every idea, every motivational piece, like white on RICE. However my reality is I do personal training part time through my own business, I go to school part time, I have three children, a husband, a house, and I PRACTICE what I preach and workout 5 times a week, sometimes doubles! And I would GLADLY GLADLY crazily enough even add competing back into that mix if I can find the time, money, and support from my family. So again bear with me. I apologize if I don't answer every email, if I don't write every blog as I plan. But please keep sending them, as I will get to them as I can, and I enjoy the interactions! So thank you!

So let's first talk WEATHER! Hows the Weather? Well over the weekend and early this week my car read -3 yes NEGATIVE THREE. Now since I have had a car with a digital temp, which has been at least the last 5 or 6 years, I have never seen a negative show up on it. It was F-ing COLD!!! (excuse my language but it was!)


That's in fact to me far WORSE than the 60.3 inches of snowfall we have had so far this year in Boston!


Yes. That's Shaq.

My boot camp has kicked off and as expected is a BLAST! I love getting the texts, emails and Voice mails :
"I'm sore sore, I can't walk".
"I am peeing like crazy!"
"I am actually hungry when it's time to eat."
"I put a handful of chips in my mouth without thinking and SPIT them in the trash as soon as I thought of you. BAD HABIT!"
ALL music to a trainers ears :)

What about Me? Where I am fitness wise? Focused and LOVING IT. I am looking to purchase in home cardio equipment, not to replace my cardio time at the gym because honestly I enjoy getting out of the house, but to supplement it. With all this snow, we have had 5 snow days already this month, its not always "easy" to get out of the house for cardio and I'm at the point where it's not an option. If I wrote it in my planner for the week, IT WILL GET DONE. With my crazy schedule now with extra school work too I can't always afford to go to bed as early as I hope. When waking up at 4:35 for AM cardio I need to try to be in bed by 10:30. Well when I sometimes can't start homework till 9:00ish after the kids are asleep or I'm home from school, I can't always depend on making a decent bed time happen. And to me anything less than 6 hours sleep consistently while training, working, dealing with family life, and focusing on school is just counter productive. So having cardio at home to help with time management in the morning will help too. Let me just give you a "typical day" I'll give you a Wednesday, when I don't even have class, or clients, and the boys don't have school (Tuesdays and Thursdays are my crazier days lol) Maybe I'll break that down next blog:

"A Wednesday"

*AM CARDIO 5 - home for 6 shower ready for the day, eat meal 1
*Get the kids up, lunches, dressed and ready for school out of the house for 8:20 drop off my daughter at school
*Gym for lifting weights followed by Meal 2
*Then we usually schedule a play date or go to a play place with the boys, on the days we don't have errands to do or I don't have to train a client which sometimes we'll through in there as well - somewhere in there meal 3
*Pack my daughters dance bag and a MEAL for her as well because she stays and does her homework and eats in between classes
*Pick my daughter up from school 2:45 - drop her off at Dance for 3:30
*Home to do daily cleaning, laundry, get dinner ready (even though I cook batches for the week) I pretty much cook frequently as well, although hubby does help A LOT with cooking too, when he gets in his moods more so in the summer cause he loves his grill! But we go through a lot of food and although my staples may be made in the fridge I enjoy fresh hot something at night as a family, I try not to eat dinner out of tubberware if we can. Meal 4
*Then 7:15 I teach bootcamp for an hour and head back to dance to pick up my daughter from dance. Meal 5
*9:00 We're home, my husband usually has already done bed routines with the boys, so I just get my daughter in the shower and tuck in and read them a story and then 9:30 on I have quiet time. Now mind you I pretty much haven't seen my husband much all day, I need to shower again, AND I probably have homework, or client emails to get to. Hence why 10:30 hasn't been happening.

Now this is not a complaint of my life! Believe it or not it's EXACTLY how I want it!! I am involved in every step of my children's life which I want! I am pursuing my own business, SOMETHING I LOVE! And I am back in school because even though I could grow my business and be perfectly happy, I want something even more solid to fall back on. And education is priceless, it took me long enough to realize that. Honestly a huge goal for me is that I don't want my children to ever be able to say to me "well you didn't finish college and you turned out fine." And while I know some VERY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE that I look up to that did not finish college, we live in a different time now. Kids cannot go to school for 12 years anymore, it's pretty much just 16 minimum. And if they're anything like me they'll like money far more than school and it's so easy to get wrapped up in making it when you're young and not focus on the big picture. So if NOTHING else I get out of my education it's to be a ROLE MODEL for my children.

With that said SCHOOL! This Semester I am taking Physiological Chemistry! Words cannot express the anxiety I have about this class. It's the reason I won't commit to much else this semester (LIKE COMPETING!) until I take my first mid term and know that I'm okay. I will stay up late nights, I will sacrifice every weekend I will do whatever it takes because of all my classes I have to take to get my degrees THIS CLASS is the only one haunting me. It looks like a foreign language to me, they may as well write it in Chinese because that's what it looks like to me.



So if I disappear of the face of the earth this semester, I'm not being dramatic, just focused. I hope I am making more of it than it is, but judging by the professor's introduction I don't think I am: He's going for his PHD In Chemistry and says: "I still struggle with it. It's not easy. It's a lot of work and you just have to keep working at it, and working at it, and working at it." Sounds fun huh? Albert Einstein himself said: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." Now here's the kicker, if I were going for my bachelors and needed the class I could handle just passing. But because I am required to take this class to be accepted into the Radiology Technologist Program, I HAVE TO GET A B OR HIGHER to get into the program. No pressure right? LOL But enough of the freaking myself out talk: I WILL DO THIS!

Another class I'm taking is Philosophy. And I know I am going to offend MANY "intellectuals" when I say this, but - EASY CLASS. Any class that focuses on ideas verses true right or wrong answers works the brain in a different way, PERIOD. For me, its easier. One of our papers is debating what the meaning of education involves. To me personally ENGINEERS,DOCTORS, CHEMISTRY Professors, PHYSICS Professors, HIGHER MATH Professors, are the most intelligent people in the world. Philosophers are simply good speakers, or just enjoy hearing themselves talk. Just my opinion, it's no disrespect. I simply don't consider this as a class, more like a discussion to learn views. Interesting? Somewhat, yes. Educational? Debatable. And I do see it is good for people to learn to be more well rounded, but if you're interested in it, this is something you could easily learn on your own. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who actually enjoys discussions like this, I just can't imagine spending all that money to have a piece of paper that says I'm "educated" in it. But to each his own. From my recent Philosophy Reading: "Since the existence of God is either logically necessary or logically impossible, and we can show that it is not logically impossible, we must conclude that the existence of God is logically necessary. Therefore God necessarily exists." Maybe I'm just not that deep, but that to me does not sound like something an intelligent person would say, that sounds like something someone who wants to talk around an answer would say. But I digress.

Totally changing tracks another little Marriage Story :) : So I started to post this as a facebook status and stopped myself because I have the 10 minute rule: Sometimes I post when I'm upset and then feel like I really didn't need to vent that, and Ern says I THROW HIM UNDER THE BUS lol, so now I save it for something good!! haha So I started to post: "Nothing says honey I appreciate you being home with the kids, playing outside with them in the freezing cold and mounds of snow, cooking all their meals, cleaning the house top to bottom quite like walking across clean floors with your WET BOOTS!" But I stopped myself and I'm glad I did. Let me explain the scenario: Yesterday was a snow day and I thought I was going to be able to sleep in since the kids didn't have school. However 6 something in the morning, Ern comes up and says my cars stuck and I can't get it out, could you come out and help me and your Dad. So grumpily, I get dressed and go outside. It's freezing and snowing and we all salt, push, shovel, salt some more and finally push the car out. Ern goes off to work in the horrible snow and I go back in the house with the kids. Now he drove in the storm to work, had a normal day, worked hard all day and came home. Meanwhile I entertained 3 stir crazy kids! We played "hotel", Where I basically serve them LOL no different from a normal day just more fun cause it's my hotel LOL, We got all bundled up and played outside for an hour. The snow was so deep we had to shovel a path in the yard! We came in had lunch and then I cleaned like a maniac for two and a half hours. I mean gloves, on hands and knees, baseboards, tubs, toilets, floors the whole nine, the whole while trying to keep the kids from stepping on wet floors or peeing on cleaning toilets LOL no easy task. Then I started dinner BEFORE I had to head to class at 6. Ern comes home from work and is sitting at the table we said hello and he went upstairs to take a work call and THEN IT HAPPENED. I STEPPED IN WETNESS!!! WETNESS on my freshly cleaned floor? What was this? OMG!!! There in the kitchen, which means he walked ACROSS THE DINING ROOM hardwood that was sparkling clean, sat his WET BOOTS!! I literally felt my face get hot, and I so don't want to be that wife! However sometimes, instinct prevails. So I YELLED: "I just cleaned the HOUSE for two and a HALF HOURS and you just walked across the clean floors with YOUR WET BOOTS! SERIOUSLY?!?" Then I complained that the kids socks where gonna get wet and made a big huge dramatic ordeal and got down on my hands and knees again to clean it. He totally rolled his eyes, shrugged it off, and walked away (sometimes that's the best way to deal with me) but this time that reaction just pissed me off MORE. So I gave myself the 10 minutes - I didn't speak, I didn't update my status even though I wanted to because I knew so many housewives could relate, I just cooked without speaking a word... FUMING. And as I calmed down I heard him on the phone for work, and it hit me. Yes I had a busy day at home, but he drove to work TO BOSTON at that, in this weather. Worked 10 hours without blinking I'm sure it was cold and when the wind blew, snow went in his face, and I'm sure traffic was horrendous, and here he was still on the work phone even though he was home. And it wasn't like I was going to wait on him hand and foot the rest of the night. I had class so he was home with the kids to have dinner with them, clean up, and put them to bed by himself. And that was it, I wasn't mad anymore. Was it inconsiderate for him to walk across the floors? ABSOLUTELY. Did it warrant me flipping out? Probably not. LOL His Version of the day and my version of the day were totally different. Woman are from Venus, Men are from Mars and just leave it at that. Sometimes 10 minutes to cool down and think before you react can be a beautiful thing. Hey look at that, I'm growing up ;) Because on the flip side Ern's mind could think: "Nothing says I appreciate you working so hard for our family better than yelling at your husband the minute he walks in the door from along FRIGID SNOW DAY for forgetting to take of his boots." So every story has two sides, taking the time to realize that = PRICELESS. Just thought I'd share :)

I do have three meal idea blogs I want to work on, and the cellulite, and at home workout questions. I feel bad for not being able to get to them sooner, but I can't promise anything. As you can see from my sample day "free time" is SPORADIC. And I need to squeeze in time to PAINT my KITCHEN, do a little more decorating, and my daughter Bianca starts her dance competitions soon she has a full on rehearsal this Sunday. I will leave you with quote and hope everyone has an AMAZING WEEKEND!

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn


Monday, January 24, 2011

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.


It starts off rough, but don't worry it has a Happy Ending!! Found this on Sugarland's Facebook Page

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby why don't you stay...


So we just got back from an amazing family vacation. We dance, we sang, we drank, we ate, we laughed, we loved, we played = SIMPLY PERFECT <3 Well my version anyways :) While we were there my husband and I also celebrated our 11th Wedding Anniversary!!! Very special to us to be able to share it in a warmer place (since we did get married in New England in the cold). The year we got married, 2000 it did not snow at all that winter until January 13th and then we got SLAMMED with a huge storm! We got married on January 15th... nuff said! But it was also very special for us to be able to share it with those we <3, our extended "village". My parents, My in-laws, my older brother and his wife, and our three beautiful children. I think what made it so special though was the simplicity of it. Just relishing in the fact that yes we are celebrating another year of marriage, but the years have seem to come and go so easily. And I say "easily" in a relative term. Our marriage has not been EASY - nothing with ME is EASY haha. But it has a pureness to it that makes it easy. I have a close friend and we were having this discussion the other day, and every time I give relationship advice, I get the same response from close friends. "While it's good advice and we agree, you and Ern are 'different', you and Ern are the exception to the rule, you and Ern LUCKED OUT." Hmmmmm did we really just luck out? Are most people not REALLY TRULY this HAPPY? Should I be waiting for my bubble to burst?

Well at one point in my life I was just waiting for it to burst. I mean I had an aunt tell me at my wedding "well this could be the first one". I looked for reasons things must be wrong, I looked for negatives, and looked just for a reason to say it was all wrong, I KNEW IT! Where we too young? Where we too stupid? This can't be true. There's no such thing as fairy tales and happy endings. I was just waiting for someone to once again prove to me that people are not always what they seem. I went through that phase for years. A series of events, tough events, bad events made me change, made me let down a wall I didn't know I had up, and Ern and I changed totally! As far as I'm concerned if it wern't for him we may not still be together right now and he totally SAVED ME FROM MYSELF. That phase hit full force and erupted around the age of 21 for me, so considering what I know of when people mature it's not too bad considering, BUT it could have ended a lot worse had I not been married to such a loving, patient, understanding man.

It wasn't that we didn't love each other before, it was just that we didn't love each other UNCONDITIONALLY as we did after these events. I never really think I believed in FOREVER when I first got married. And after this phase FOREVER was our only option. Hence when we decided we where ready to expand our family and voila Enter Villers Family of 5 circa 2006 and the rest is history :).

But people ask me as young as we are, how does it work? How do we really truly love each other so much and are so happy? And the honest answer I've come up with through various discussions is this: WE ARE RIDICULOUSLY, OBNOXIOUSLY HONEST WITH EACH OTHER. AND Always have been! That I am finding is VERY RARE in relationships. How many people act a certain way when they're dating only to put their best foot forward and impress the person to hook them? How many people keep secrets from their spouses? Vent to their girlfriends, but not their husbands? How many people have a best friend that is not their spouse. I'm not saying there is a right or wrong way to do things but OPEN 100% HONESTY has worked for us so far. You have to remember we were children (in our teens) when Ern and I started dating, and we were friends long before we started dating. I saw him have girlfriends, he saw me have boyfriends. There was not an ounce of fakeness there between us. Neither of us were trying to "hook" the other. We've always just been ourselves and that's exactly how we still are. My parents cringe at the things I say to him sometimes, but I always end it with "well it's the truth" LOL and he is the same way to me. It's not that we're disrespectful to each other (well most of the time :)). It's just with all the "acquaintances" we have in the world where we do have to act a certain way it's nice to come home to someone you CAN TOTALLY be yourself with and not be judged on it. Someone you can laugh with, someone you can confide in, someone you can share your deepest darkest secret with and know they safeguard it with their heart.

And without getting too mushy, lovey, dovey it helps that Ern is one of the most faithful, loving, respectful men I know. I always say if he ever breaks my heart he can proudly wear the crown of the man who broke my heart because I 1000% believe there is no one out there better for me!!! I don't know how such a nice kid got stuck with such a crazy b*tch LMAO! He definitely got screwed in that department. I am one the most indecisive, hyper, demanding, opinionated, people I know and somehow he LOVES IT! But on the flip side of that when he allows me to be all those things out comes my ideas, dreams, ambitions, motivations, and he just lets it flow. Ever heard the quote "If you can't handle me at my worst, than you don't deserve me at my best." The guy LIVES IT EVERYDAY!

When my brother toasted to us on our anniversary, he said to me quickly and nonchalant "And we'll do it again on your 22nd in double this time" And it made me smile, because I know its true. We will be that happy on our 22nd, and on our 33rd, and our 44th... because we WANT to be! Everything in life is a CHOICE you make. Sometimes marriage is easier to choose to keep than others. I don't believe we're "soul mates", I don't believe we're "perfect". In fact if you believe in God I think he created men and woman so completley opposite it's like a dirty joke to see who kills each other off first. LOL And ladies until you realize that simple fact it will be a long uphill battle. MEN ARE NOT LIKE US! AT ALL! They don't look like us, think like us, act like us, smell like us... NOTHING LIKE US! And I actually like it that way :) Maybe I'm old fashioned but I like my man to be a man. If you know me you know I am a strong WOMAN, however I like traditional roles to a degree. Not to be lesser or weaker, but to compliment each other. Everyone must bring something to the relationship, find what your something is, and make it work for you as a couple. Even if its completley non traditional, make it work for YOU. The sooner you stop worrying about what others are doing the sooner you can focus on you and grow.

Okay now I'm gonna share a song that again is SO RAW, PURE, And just one of those songs that touches me. Please don't read further into it than that. I have never been with a married man or been cheated on (as that's what the songs about) But its an anthem of strength! It also has a raw emotion that is captivating and it happens to be my favorite band. You have to not only listen to it and watch it but you have to watch it to the end because the song changes and I LOVE IT! Now why would I like this song? Well Other than I just do, as I mentioned Ern is one of the most faithful men I know. And if you have me on facebook you will see that although I don't follow pop culture that much I do indulge in the cardio TV E! gossip every once in a while and well the "perfect couples" husbands cheating piss me off... TIKKI BARBER not gonna lie wanted to shoot him in the eye with a bee bee gun when he left his pregnant wife for his girlfriend. And even though deep down I like Angelina Jolie I can't bring myself to fully like her cause this isn't the first time she "allegedly" broke up a marriage. And well Jesse James I loved watching him CRY on TV and Sandra Bullock being so strong and saying EFF you. Well Jesse James supposedly is engaged to the girl he cheated with and I found it funny that she's standing there smiling all proud with his rock on her hand. He openly said he was sorry to his wife, he openly said he made a mistake (SHE WAS THE MISTAKE) and that he wanted to get back with his wife, and when she wouldn't take him back he then decided to move on with the girlfriend. And now he's saying he's gonna "grow old" with her and she's buying it hook, line, and sinker. I cannot understand DUMB GIRLS. How does that story unfold? I can see the wedding speech now... "Well even though you cheated, lied, and sneaked behind your wife's back to get together, then you totally humiliated your family, broke them up, and tried to get back with your wife, we are so happy that your wife now would take your lieing cheating, crying, failed "rehab" leftover sloppy seconds ass and accept you for the man of her dreams. Congrats! To a long, beautiful marriage, or at least to a good run until something better comes along!"

Haha if you can't tell I hate cheaters! And all parties involved, yet I do LOVE this SONG... so ENJOY!! And the last note of a good marriage: "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything." Just sayinnnnnn ;)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I wasn't going to blog about it. Honestly Ern (my husband) told me to - he's really starting to enjoy the fact that me madly typing away on the computer to vent in my blog is therapeutic LOL He seriously says to me: "Why don't you GO UPDATE your blog." What husband says that to his wife? Whether he's supporting my revamped passion, trying to control my rants, or simply wanting more Black Ops time on PS3 to himself, who knows :) but it works. I'm on break from school so time I would normally spend doing homework I have just been channeling right into fitness, its been a nice balance. My response was NO. I don't care enough to blog about it. The commercials are dumb, plain and simple. And SOOOO MANY Trainers I know have already posted blogs about it, I'm late to the punch. Will Brink has been posting Planet Fitness commercials for months now saying how offensive they are, and while I agree I guess I just kinda shrugged them off. But maybe they're getting worse with the new year - trying to snag all the January $$ droppers - see ya next January! Or maybe it's because I've seen numerous face book status updates/debates about it and the boards are all a buzz about knocking it. I really didn't care that much. Or so I thought. Turns out I do. It's one thing for me to adamantly say those commercials are dumb, they annoy me, and kinds shrug joke them off. I saw a status update from IFBB PRO JOSE RAYMOND's girlfriend that said "Jose is walking around saying repeatedly I lift things up and put them down." I thought it was funny. I love people with a good sense of humor who can laugh stuff off. It's not the end of the world. After being in the industry long enough I think you come to a peaceful acceptance that the general public does not understand bodybuilding. They never fully have and never fully will. It's a niche sport, and those who get it are a small group. You learn to accept the stereotypes to a degree, and the misinformed opinions. But when a "fitness facility" is USING such ignorant stereotypes to MARKET their facility. Well that's just plain WRONG.

It didn't start to bother me more until I saw the trends of statuses and discussions change. People agreeing they feel more comfortable, no lunkers, no grunters, no people in sports bras with their abs hanging out, it's so much more comfortable, no fuss, it's a great beginners gym, things like that. That's when my keep quietness started to unravel. This gym prays on people's insecurities trying to convince them that all of these things are SCARY, intimidating, and bad. And people buy into it hook, line, and sinker. Which makes me hate PF even more LOL. I have recommended to people to go to planet fitness before, so before you go HUH? mixed signals, let me explain. If your budget is tight, you have never worked out before, you are not going to use all the amenities of a large health club and do not even know if you will keep up with a gym routine by all means go for your easiest, cheapest route. WHEN and IF you are ready to COMMIT, when you are ready to make it routine, set a goal, STICK to a regime, THEN upgrade. Invest a little more in yourself, and LEARN how to work for results. But for a quick fix, I'm not knocking anyone who goes to the gym AT ALL and I need to make that perfectly CLEAR.

But honestly after hearing and seeing these commercials: You could not pay me to step foot in that place!! Their commercials are so incredibly offensive, making fun of "stereotypical bodybuilders or power lifters". Bodybuilders and power lifters are the pioneers to every REAL fitness plan out there. Although its changed over the years to be on an unhealthier curve for some. Arnold ate lean meats, low glycemic carbs, and high fiber vegetables. YEARS before it was cool for playboy bunny Kendra to do so. Bodybuilders new about the "New OMG do your cardio on an empty stomach rule" FARRRRRR before it was ever posted on yahoo's main page as breaking news. They have been using flaxseed oils, MCT oils and promoting HEALTHY FATS so long before someone started promoting MUFAS and the "belly fat diet". Even look at airborne? Ummmm hello I know I'm not the only person who has ever been instructed to break an amino acid capsule and put it under your tongue while your working out and mix VITamin C powder in you water while you lift. Wanna talk about AIRBORRNE making millions, BODYBUILDERS have been doing that for years! And "ATKINS" one of the LARGEST LOW CARB DIETS EVER POPULAR IN THE US ummmmm we'vve just simply called it a keto diet for years before some doctor decided he would get even richer from writing a book. Wanna talk about basic information. Here. I was 20 years old just started working out trying to get into better shape after having my daughter. Did not take ONE single supplement besides creatine, and an over the counter fat burner. I picked up a book called SLICED a bodybuilding book published in 1991 when I was 9 years old. It was my father in laws - I "borrowed" it, well I still have it, but I don't think he minds ;). I tried to learn everything I could about the sport, it was my bible. I did my own diet and training based on methods out of the book, and 10 weeks later walked on my first stage and received my World Natural Bodybuilding Federation Pro Card and this was my result:


I challenge ANYONE, any single person to purchase this book right now:
follow a protocol out of it and its principles religiously for 12 weeks and see what happens. Or you can just walk into Planet Fitness for 12 weeks and wing it because bodybuilders are so STUPID right?

Planet Fitness offers free pizza Friday!! How is that promoting health & fitness? Pizza at a gym!! While I am the first girl to say cheat days are the best days ever lol I do not ever want to see pizza at my gym! It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Their main marketing ploy is that $10 a month coming out of your account you can totally justify since it's so inexpensive and when people quit which is what they're hoping for they'll never notice the $10. If you had to pay $50 a month and sign a contract you may actually have to think and plan "can I commit to this?" before you vow to lose that last 30 pounds again on January first. But $10 is quick and easy, and they hope you won't squalk when they keep withdrawing it well after you have gone back to pizza and the couch. Actually you could go back to Planet Fitness just on Fridays for the pizza I mean you are paying for the membership its worth free pizza! $10 a month that is a DEAL! But remember - You get what you pay for.

So here's the deal how can I say to someone find a planet fitness close to you to get started? Well here's the deal... I don't think a gym that is appealing to the general public is a BAD THING AT ALL! I think its actually a very good thing. BUT and this is a very big BUT (no pun intended) it's HOW they have to knock other gyms or PEOPLE to do it. That is what kills it for me. If they were simply promoting it as a beginners gym, or a "comfort factor" I wouldn't have a problem with it. While I personally scoff at a CURVES workout for efficiency. I can totally understand the purpose of a woman's only facility that is not too challenging, that is quick and easy. Its an option some want and its better than nothing in my opinion, that is UNDERSTANDABLE to me - yet they don't feel the need to KNOCK other gyms or PEOPLE as Planet Fitness does. That is what I do not like. It's kinda like that girl in the group who's average and all her friends are STRAIGHT 10s - Carmen Electra types. She's insecure and EASY. Instead of dealing with her own insecurities she finds ways to make fun of, stab her friends in the back, or sleep with their boyfriends out of jealousy. That's what I feel about Planet Fitness. They are the jealous insecure gym in the group. They can't compete with REAL training facilities that would put them to shame, and they can't compete with people that may look like ARNOLD so they'd rather make fun of them or not allow them. Makes them feel better right? All the while convincing other insecure people that they do this to "protect them".

I actually read somewhere that said they got rid of personal trainers because they feel its insulting to their clients to offer nothing more than "rent a friends" to them. Devaluing knowledgeable trainers should make them the WORST fitness facility ever. KNOWLEDGE is power and it is very evident when you see someone's results change drastically. Otherwise why can you walk around the same gyms, month after month, year after year, seeing the same people, yet their body has never changed one ounce? Doesn't matter as long as their "comfortable" and their account is being debited monthly. Do you think people on the biggest loser could do any of that without their trainers knowledge, tools, programs, advice, guidance, and motivation?

And here is where I think it bothers me the most - I personally have met some of the most amazing people in this industry. I know NATURAL bodybuilders who are doctors YES DOCTORS, lawyers, CANCER SURVIVORS, Moms of FIVE, 60 plus years old, I actually know one who is a MEMBER of MENSA... NO JOKE! EAT THAT freakin planet fitness. They carry around a jug of creatine. They eat out of a cooler. They wear spandex shorts and wacky weight belts. They GRUNT when they are squatting THREE TIMES THERE BODY WEIGHT... if that makes someone uncomfortable, then yes perhaps Planet Fitness is a good option for them. But there is no need to KNOCK educated, well rounded individuals, who choose a DISCIPLINE MOST CANNOT ever dream of. To put a stereotype out like that and lump every person who takes fitness to the next level is IGNORANT, and should not be used to encourage fitness. EVER.

How would people react if they advertised a bodybuilding gym that allowed no one with cellulite? No one who doesn't know what a BMR is? No one who cannot perform a proper squat? The media would be BLOWING UP with back fire! Why? Because that's the MAJORITY of America?

And last but not least INSTEAD of letting people PREY on your insecurities, raise your head high! Enter a gym where there are hard bodies. Enter a gym where the trainers look scary. CHALLENGE yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. You may be pleasantly surprised. Not everyone WANTS to look like a figure competitor or fitness model or bodybuilder. Not everyone WANTS to do what they do, or WANTS to eat what they eat. While it may be the best way or even our philosophy, some people may simply want to be healthier or fit into a certain size. With the average size in this country being a 14, a size 8 can be a huge accomplishment! Your goal could be simply lowering your cholesterol, blood pressure, or being able to reach your toes again. But you could surprise yourself. You could set a goal - achieve it, and then set a more challenging one. You could start just by walking and end up running a 5K! YOU NEVER KNOW. Don't let someone tell you you should be "comfortable".

My favorite quote when I use to have my fitness website it was my main slogan: "CONFIDENCE IS THE SEXIEST THING A WOMAN CAN HAVE, FITNESS GIVES ME THAT CONFIDENCE". Wanna know one of the sexiest confident woman I liked in the media? Jennifer Hudson. So talented, so beautiful, so strong, and even before she slimmed down and got her new banging BODY, I in all honesty would have traded my body for hers, for her voice and Talent! What?! The woman is amazing! Look at Beyonce. While she works out and eats healthy she's no tooth pic. Shit shakes when she walks and it's HOT AS HELL! Being healthy is about your BODY and Your Mind. Working out at a place that just makes you "feel comfortable" is not about your body and your mind. Just some food for thought. I have rambled enough. The End.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011



The megamillions was up to 355 million dollars to win! I hardly ever play the lottery yet with all the buzz of the jackpot, I walked in to the corner store and like everyone else there headed straight for the lottery station. I had to ask someone how to fill it out... seriously. LOL So 300 million had to keep a good old superstition going I played 3 tickets. With 3 dollars. All #s that have significance and were coordinated per ticket. The first one my as in my side of the family's birthdates - my Mom, My 3 brothers (2 have the same number), my self's, my daughters' and My Dad;s was the power ball number - I gave that ticket to my Dad ♥ (I fully expected to get a cut... kidding... wellllllll kinda kidding) LOL The next ticket - was my married family and current family's birth dates. All five of us (the boys have the same, my mother in-laws and my father in-laws' was the power ball number. And then the last ticket was all wedding months, my parents, my in-laws, my two brother, my brother in-laws, and ours was the power ball number. Haha I had to make it interesting and fun! And bupkis! Nada!

So the fun question. What would you do if you Won? Come on we all dream about it, talk about it, wonder...what would you do? Here are a few of my top things.

*Number one - take care of my extended family - not that they're hurting but that's a dream of mine just to say HERE YOU GO!

*Buy a house in Warm Weather for the winter, and another house Up North for the summer months. Both would have home gyms:)

*Every season take a vacation to some place different

*I would home school my children but with the best tutors for foreign languages, music, junior achievement cultural, community learning... and our field trips to learn about Greece would be to Greece - and I would definitely POP OUT AT LEAST ONE MORE!

*I would adopt!!!!!

*There are so many business ventures I would explore. A gym/kids fitness center, a training studio, real estate/building, with a section that sells to lower income families that could never afford them otherwise PROVIDED they started structured goal oriented programs as well to better their lives. *My own birthday wishes team/company, a charity we donate to that hosts birthday parties for homeless children.*I would go back to competing only I would train for FITNESS with the routines. I would take dance and voice lessons JUST FOR FUN.

Yes I know we don't HAVE to work but all of these ventures are gratifying even if you don't need the money, and you're the owner nothing better than not having a boss!

*A personal massage therapists at my beck and call...I could really go for a massage RIGHT NOW!

*SPA treatments likes it my job!

*I would not have a nanny but I would have a butler (that can cook and clean) preferably a female but not too attractive LOL

*Fridays would be a designated Shopping Day! Nothing crazy or extravagant, but I love shopping I swear its therapeutic and addictive.

*Once a month I would have a dinner/cocktail party!

*Every holiday I would have THE BIGGEST KIDS PARTY I'm looking through a valentine book right now and I'm thinking about one lol and Easter forget about it... the biggest freaking EASTER EGG HUNT EVER, best goody bags, complete with Easter Bunny and all! (I love my kids parties)

I know money can't buy happiness, but if you're already happy, loved, and grounded money can't hurt! It's fun to dream...

What would you do?

Monday, January 3, 2011

What do I eat? How do I eat? When and Why?

This is a question I get asked OFTEN: What do you eat? How do you eat it? When do you eat it? Why do you eat it?

I feel like I reference to "competing days" vs "every days" often and let me explain why... when you are eating or training with a goal to compete, that is a TOTALLY different mind set. And I don't want advice I may suggest for everyday to be construed for competing or visa versa. When competing there is a specific end in sight, a SPECIFIC GOAL, a SPECIFIC DATE. Everyone may have a different formula on how to get there, but MOST will agree it is not the same as everyday, or dieting to lose 10, 20, 30 pounds, or even off season and should not be referenced as such. While many principles and structures can be carried through from a competition prep to dieting it is simply not, in my opinion, the same mind set. Maybe some people are wound like that for no reason at all, but most are not. And if they are wound like that they usually end up COMPETING! My point I'm trying to make is competing for me was a whole different ball game, my mindset was different. I had an end in sight and that was the focus. Eating boiled chicken, broccoli, and brown rice with NOTHING on it was easy with that mind set. I remember cream of rice, flank steak, and 4 strawberries being the absolute HIGHLIGHT of my day.

I did 2 shows in 03, 1 in 04, 2 in 05 - had my boys in 06, 4 in 07, and made it 3 weeks out in 08. So I pretty much just ATE the same food for years, same goal, blinders on, it was simpler that way for me. Cooked in batches, warm it up, eat it. No thinking, just do it. GOAL IN SIGHT.

Well in 08 when I decided to take a break from competing all hell broke loose. REAL FOOD... no restrictions, no goal, no commitment, and other issues that contributed, but HELLO 20 pounds crept on (okay it was more like 30!) ok really it was a lot more than that because I had fell to 109 lbs at the beginning of 08 being sick when I dropped out of Jr. Nationals and by the beginning of 09 WELLLLLLL I weighed MORE THAN I DID WHEN I WAS PREGNANT WITH MY TWINS!!!! INSANE huh? I remember going shopping for an new outfit for my 26th birthday in Fall of 08 and literally having a melt down in OLD NAVY's dressing room because I could barely SQUEEZE into the size 6 jeans. (I know that may not sound big to some but you have to remember for me - that was the biggest size I had ever worn). If only I knew at the time if I didn't cut the crap with the food and not exercising those size 6s would become my new "skinny jeans"... Dammit typing that is so hard to swallow. But I can do so because I just order new summer pants for an upcoming vacation and they fit perfect and were my OLD SIZE!! I don't want to sound like someone wrapped up on scale number and sizes, but lets be honest going from competitively dancing as a teenager right into competing as an adult I never had to blink at the scale or my size, if anything I was one who FOUGHT to put on SIZE so really so this was a new first for me that I did not particularly like.

Yet I did nothing to change it... NOT a single, solitary THING. I didn't work out, I didn't watch what I ate, I wasn't active AT ALL. It is sad, but I can remember I stayed home took care of the family, watched desperate housewives while the boys napped, and cooked meals every night for my family. Spaghetti, stuffed shells, pork chops, whatever I wanted. To anyone who knows me: THIS DOESN'T EVEN SOUND LIKE ME!! Who took over my body? I was simply in a funk. Whether I was overtired from all the competing, working, raising infant twins and a 6 year old and simply catching up, or depressed who knows. Depressed never seemed to be a word in my vocabulary I thought it simply meant your mind wasn't strong enough to make you happy, but looking back I ate those words. Fortunately for me or unfortunately depends on who you ask, it was a funk I happened to be very comfortable in. I was happy with my family life, they brought me plenty of my joy so I pushed away the fact that I was not happy with myself. I just floated, I convinced myself I didn't care.

To make a long story short (okay who are we kidding, this is me - I have no short stories) we went on a family trip to SC to visit my older brother. A trip that was so relaxing, fun and needed! I joked about my weight, how my joints hurt cause I was heavier and not active, how I would get out of breath easily. I joked because I convinced myself it was funny that I finally didn't care. Here I was in SC with a brother who was at the NY pro bodybuilding show meeting Pro bodybuilders when I was in middle school. In SC where I had told myself I would someday soon take a trip to visit family and compete in the Jr USA's at some point. And I REALLY REALLY thought I just didn't care anymore... UNTIL... we got home and I LOOKED AT THE PICTURES and VIDEO we took!!! THIS DID NOT LOOK LIKE ME!!! Who the hell was this person? I was horrified! I was back in the gym and back on track directly following that glance at myself after that trip. Not to compete, but to "find myself again". Sounds corny I know, but this women buried under a layer of fat, with no energy, no spunk, THAT WAS NOT ME!

Again wrapping it up (man I can type - talk) I took 09 to struggle a bit to get back. But I did get back. Not back on stage yet, but I lost 30 pounds by fall of 09 got back into the fitness scene, back on the boards, going to shows, worked a booth at the New Englands, handed out trophies and even though I haven't competed again I felt my fire come back. Study and took the test to get re certified in personal training and started that business back up again in 2010 - no one wants to hire an out of shape personal trainer let's face it! I so desperately needed it! My energy came back, my drive, my ambition, my goals, it all slowly came back. It triggered many new changes in my life that I am thankful for. I would have liked it FASTER, AS WE ALL DO... but the important thing is it's here to stay! I guess it's important for me to share that because I don't think people see that EVERYONE has their own struggles. Sometimes we feel like we are the ONLY ONES. Why is it so easy for everyone else? And I'm here to say, it's NOT! It's something you have to want. It's something you have to work for. It's something ONLY YOU CAN DO! And I don't mean just losing weight or gaining muscle, I mean defining WHO YOU WANT TO BE. Not as a mother, not as a wife, not as an employee, not as a daughter, a sister, a son, a husband, not as anything, but YOURSELF. WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? What TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL DO YOU WANT TO BE? Anyone who knows me knows I love my family with every fiber in my being. LOVE THEM SO MUCH IT HURTS. But I still needed to find MYSELF first in order to do that. There are things ONLY WE CAN DO FOR OURSELVES and learning that the hard way may be the only way - at least for someone hard headed like myself :)

What the hell was the point of my BLOG?!?! HOLY CRAP - I guess I needed to get that out... felt good to vent it. BUT OH YEAH BACK TO MY POINT : Competition eating vs "everyday eating" now you understand my difference of the two. Competition, I am like a robot sometimes in my opinion it is the best way to be. HOWEVER, when there is no set date, no set goal, when you want to be able to say I want to be fit, healthy, and yes SEXY (ooops I threw in a bit of vanity, as it IS A FACTOR - whether or not we want to admit it) when you want this as a lifestyle, the robot thing gets old. The boiled chicken, broccoli, and brown rice PLAIN thing get old. How can you make it a lifestyle vs a however many week prep, or an off season? ENTER my lovely husband... he has always been my add spices to food, add seasoning to food guy. He's always said why make your food miserable, and I'd say its diet food you just eat it to look a certain way, not to enjoy it. Well guess what you can do both - to a point. It doesn't have to be bland bland bland. It doesn't have to be all boring, all chicken, all asparagus, all fish, all the time. That's just SILLY. So while I'm not a huge "healthy recipe person" I am a figure out your macro nutrient needs and find food items you like to change it up to FIT INTO your needs person. And my husband Ernie actually enjoys cooking healthy foods so he is such a HELP in that department. Yeah he food shops too! I KNOW I'M VERY LUCKY!! So I will try to bring you some healthy eats we love often, as lately I've been recording macros more personally. We do often still cook in small batches usually at least 3 meals worth because it is easier to do so and just makes sense.

So tonight it was YUMMY HEALTHY "CHICKEN FAJITAS". Simple. Easy. Quick. Fits My Macros and calorie count, and so yummy!

Chicken Breast cut up sauteed in a pan with 2 tbs olive oil and a packet of fajita seasoning. Add peppers, onions, (he adds mushrooms I pick them out so the macros are done without them) served with 1/2 cup wild rice and HALF 100 cal pack of WHOLLY GUACAMOLE


One of those little things I HIGHLY recommend. Hubs found them for me because as much as I LOVE GUAC I felt like I was over eating calories with it. These little packs control that better and keep it in check. It's all natural, its good HEALTHY fats for you, and its TOTALLY safely portioned controlled. HIGHER fat foods like nuts and guacamole in my opinion are important to get in portioned control packs if you have a tendency to over snack, because too much of a good thing especially higher calorie foods can be bad.

This is my portion for dinner. FILLS THE PLATE! And the calorie count and macro break down is below this is with 4 oz chicken measured cooked, 10 slices onions, 10 green pepper rings, 1/2 cup wild rice, 1/2 100 calorie wholly guacamole packet, and added in a few buffer calories for olive oil and seasoning although it doesn't fully coat all the chicken as a lot is left in the pan.

344 calories, 29 grams of protein, 37 g carbs, 8 grams of fat. Now what do I eat and why? This was post workout so I keep the rice in even though it was late. Had I not lifted tonight, with it being a later meal I may have opted for right around the same break down but swapping out my starchy carbs (rice) for more fibrous ones (more vegetables).




Sunday, January 2, 2011


IT"S ON!!! On top of being fully back to training! I am hosting a Boot Camp Style Exercise Program at a local gymnastics facility in North Andover, MA.

Program will run 6 weeks - meet 3 times a week for an hour.

Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:15 PM and Saturday mornings from 9-10:30 AM

Beginning Monday January 24th with MANDATORY ORIENTATION SATURDAY January 22nd at 9 AM.

COST: $260 for the 6 weeks and INCLUDES

* Pre week orientation, with initial nutrition consult, discussion and brief over view of exercises for beginners or those needing refreshing.
* Nutrition changes every 2 weeks
* Measurements and weigh in every 2 weeks (for those setting specific goals)
* Before and after pictures if you choose.
* Complete Guided Hands On Boot Camp Style workout with a Certified Personal Trainer
* Plyometrics, Kickboxing, Intervals, Cardio
* All levels and ages WELCOME - a good trainer can adjust per conditioning and age levels

It works out to $60 for customized nutrition counseling for the 6 weeks and a little over $11 per session. This is designed for more personalized attention and motivation than a normal group ex program, but slightly larger setting than buddy or single personal training, however my cut off will be 10-12 people due to keeping attention and details high. *I am LIMITING SPACE to 10 - 12 spots MAX to keep this PERSONAL... SO ONCE Spots are filled they are filled, first come first serve, I cannot hold spots.

My experience: ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Insured, CPR/FIRST AID/AED Certified, Over 8 years training experience and competing.

* One on one personal training
* group circuit training.
* group ex (more resistance type classes - like BodyPump than "cardio classes")
* Bootcamp style classes
* taught in a gyms/wellness center/and taught team level gymnastics at the facility I am offering the class at!
* worked in in home settings on my own
* Plyometrics, Intervals, Kickboxing, Kettlebell
* Experience with nutrition plans, calorie counts,BMR, and macro nutrient break downs.
* comfortable working with all different levels and needs. Whether its a wife/mother, male/athlete, older client with limitations, or younger client with sports specific needs
* Experience tailoring to specific goals - weight/fat loss, heart health, lean muscle building, competing
* Earned 3 natural Professional Federation Status while competing and qualified Nationally with NPC

For anyone who doesn't know me well, I have a naturally outgoing and enthusiastic personality and enjoy motivating and sharing my knowledge. This can be an awesome experience if you're willing to give it your all, I always AM! This is NOT a promise for your best body body ever, I can only give you the tools and knowledge YOU MUST do the work!! Please pass the word to anyone interested and feel free to give them my contact information: SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY PLEASE :)

To anyone who has known me long enough to remember I wrote about a trick to keep yourself in check, checking in at the calendar each and every month. What have you done the prior month? How have you changed. Well some of you have known me long enough to look back at the YEARS. How many January 1st have fallen by the wayside? How many "I'll start next Mondays." Do it for yourself NOW! Hold yourself accountable, you are the only one who can.

I am so looking forward to it!!

So just some basic FAQs about the program as I have received a lot of Inquiries!

1. Am I too de - conditioned for this? Am I too "aged" for this? If I have a goal that will take longer than 6 weeks, Is it worth it?

First off this is designed for mostly anyone! And the reason being levels can be adjusted, routines altered, and progressions made. I will say this because I have received questions this IS NOT designed for figure and bikini competitors. While some may train this way for those genres I personally recommend a very different approach, and that requires ONE ON ONE ONLY. I have experience in womens only group circuits and anyone who was there can attest we had all ages, shapes, and sizes. I am a PLANNER. I am not a trainer who just shows up and wings it. This is why I enjoyed teaching Body Pump so much as well it is pre choreographed exercise! I PLAN to adjust for each person so they are challenging themselves, but doing so safely. Realistically you will have to fill out an evaluation and medical form just so we can be safe and make sure that we are adhering to SAFETY FIRST. This is why I am only taking PRE -REGISTERED people in advance. I need to plan for this appropriately, as do you! This is my first run through of this particular program, but far from my first experience with this. Hopefully if all goes as planned I will be offering further sessions just like these to continue throughout the year. Even if that's not possible I will never just send anyone on their way... nice 6 weeks see ya GOOD LUCK! I will make sure you are on a path to continue if needed with me or without me.

2. How does the program work is it discussion based, do you tell us our workout program?

It is designed precisely like so: This is not a BOOTCAMP per say it is a bootcamp group styled program. I am not here simply to blow a whistle, stop watch, scream in your face, flip tires, count your push-ups, and send you home sore. While I may be guilty of all those things ;) this is designed to be much MORE! This is designed to be my baby. A FULLY COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM HITTING EVERY ASPECT OF FITNESS. The first orientation is a discussion group type to go over everything. Exercises, what to expect, what you need, nutrition guidance. Every time we meet it will be a HANDS ON FULL OUT WORKOUT with me for an hour. I will both teach, demonstrate, draw, do whatever I have to to teach you the exercises. I will be with you counting it out and keeping track. Any thing extra for workouts other than when we meet I would only recommend cardio (like walking - elliptical- bike that type of stuff)

3. Will I get an exact nutrition PLAN?

Now listen carefully because this is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! THE MOST IMPORTANT HANDS DOWN. This is what a "typical bootcamp" doesn't offer and this is why while you may feel great when you are done working out, you may sweat a ton, you may get stronger, and even increase your confidence, which are ALL GREAT THINGS. You may not see the results you are looking for WITHOUT tying in the food. I am not a registered dietitian by any means, but I do have experience figuring out your daily caloric needs, and breaking down foods to macro nutrients and timing them correctly for performance, energy, lean muscle, and fat burning. You will receive a laid out verbatim food plan - which is also why I need people to sign up before hand. I need to know approximate starting weights to judge calories, any food allergies, things you love, things you hate, things that make "dieting" hard for you, your schedule etc - MY goal is to make this as easy for you as possible but realistically YOU have to be ready to do it! Can you see how PERSONALIZED and different this is from other programs?

4. What if I am comfortable with my nutrition and weight and am just looking for a great workout?

EVERYONE in the program will be encourages SOME REQUIRED ;) to keep a food diary. Sometimes minor tweaking can alter your end result. Weight and measurements will be taken every other Saturday before class. This will be a tool to track progress and results. If you so choose which I greatly encourage we can take BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS starting at orientation. Saturdays before class if you notice there is an extra half hour. Some weeks we will use it measuring and some weeks we will use this as our time to "discuss". Discuss accountability, issues, strategies, goals etc! This is NOT a PITY PARTY or an excuse festival. But I am a realest, we all have struggles and sometimes discussing them can help us move forward.

ANY MORE QUESTIONS AND I CAN ADD TO THIS. PLEASE EMAIL ME... so far this is a great start. And as you can see my little brain has it all figured out. It is an ALL INCLUSIVE PROGRAM designed for the individual in a group setting to make it A - more fun and B - more affordable. If you know what personal training rates run for something like this you know IT IS A STEAL! So take advantage!
