My point was I grew up not celebrating holidays. I didn't start celebrating them until I got married and had children, so they have become extra special times of the year for me. Times I have started our own family traditions from scratch. Special times we have shared with family, and events that I have never done before. Special pictures and memories that mean more to me because I am creating such a different childhood for my children. I think I need to emphasize here that I had a great childhood with many special moments, this is just a different experience for me.
So take today for instance I went to my FIRST Santa Parade today! Not only did I go to my first Santa parade but my husbands uncle who is a Lieutenant on the fire department asked us to join him with our boys and ride on the truck with him through the parade! There we were... buckled in the truck, windows down,sirens on, horn beeping, smiling and waving away. It was a great day! My boys were in awe of the truck and how everyone was waving. And I felt like a little kid experiencing something for the first time! Going up and down the streets of where I grew up, seeing people from middle school, seeing my old dance school. It was just one of those moments that made me feel warm inside (despite the fact that it was 38 degrees out). And also one of those moments that made me feel old (but in a great way). As I've grown up I appreciate the littlest things in life... its not that I have become simple minded as I still have more goals, dreams, and ideas than one human being should have lol But the littlest pleasures in life with my family can absolutely make me feel complete <3
So in true wrap it up Sunday, back to the Grind Monday motion a quick recap of my week in the training and nutrition department. FINALLY BACK AT AM CARDIO!!!! I've been wanting to for a while but not having a show to "make my mind switch on completely" I couldn't fully motivate myself to get up early consistently. Well now I have switched. It is for me a great way to start my day. I'm completely not a morning person. I am grumpy when I wake up and never ever enjoy it. But for some reason to roll out of bed wash my face, brush my teeth and go do cardio I CAN BE A BEAST... I start to feel better while I'm there. I start to reflect, plan, and set my mindset for the day and I start my energy off right. It still may take my body a bit to get use to it because when I say I hate mornings I really hate mornings. But after a bout a week I start thinking why don't I do morning cardio all the time?!?! I am there, week down and I'm loving it again! Only doing 3-4 days a week for now so its even less pressure and its fitting well. Weights have been great as well, been really mixing it up which has been great for my body. And last but not least nutrition... ehhhh hardest for me is when the busy gets busier the food gets LESS not more. Its less food but its wrong food... I need more food and right food. I know same story different day. Mistake number one putting off getting my protein shakes... CANNOT live without them when I'm super busy. So now that I have them that should help right off the bat! Well I promised myself I'd keep these posts shorter and I once again have rambled and still have so much more I want to say but MUST GO TO BED :( I want to update about school! About clients! About goals! But hopefully leaving it like this will force me to come back more often. Till then Hope everyone has a wonderful productive week. And a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving. However you may spending it remember to appreciate the little thing!

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