Sunday, February 8, 2015

Here comes the sun... Do Do Do Do...

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I'm ok with winter, I really am. Normally. I'm not going to go so far as to say I love it or anything, but it has its fun moments. Not my favorite season, but really, I'm okay with it. Normally. I've embraced the fact that I really do love New England more than I use to want to admit. Being close to the beach, nice lake regions, the city of Boston, I really love living here! Our kids absolutely LOVEEEE the snow and its always exciting when we get our first snowfall. There's something about that first glistening white clean blanket that covers everything and knowing that you are going to put on your warm socks, snuggle under a blanket, drink hot cocoa and watch it fall. You just can't wait to get outside and play in it, sled in it,  and be a kid in it with your kids! Its almost story like. Picture Perfect.

But today as we are about to get hit with another foot and days of mess, there is NOTHING story like about it at all! Unless of course you like horror stories. Cleaning, snow blowing, shoveling, cleaning, snow blowing, shoveling. The cars need to be cleaned again, and then moved so you can clean out the driveway. But not before the plows plow in your freshly cleaned, even driveway with a nice snow wall again for the 4th time. Then you'll carry the salt, dust, and snow and track it into your car, into your house and everywhere imaginable to make a mess. Oh and don't forget the stairs, porches, and path for the pups. Yeah the first time is one thing, but when its storm after storm after storm that's a whole other. I should be so lucky and will sound incredibly spoiled but I actually don't do any of the snow removal/cleanup at my house. I would be more than willing to help, I always did as a kid, but my husband has his snow blower, his system, his headphones, most importantly his manly pride and he goes to town. I'm really okay with playing princess in this scenario. But I do feel badly for him when he comes in freezing and exhausted. I stay inside and clean the house so we are comfy and cozy and prepare a nice home cooked delicious meal, and keep the kids occupied. Dress them in the layers to keep them warm, dry the wet clothes, clean the piles of clothes. It's kind of our snow tradition (as I'm sure it is for many.) See its really not a princess' job after all (more like Cinderella - before the prince came along), but we all play our part. The snow is fun, but the snow is work too.

The first snow day completely snowed in again is kind of fun. No school, no work, a travel ban even -ooooohhhh ahhhhhhh. A great excuse to be lazy. Cook, binge watch Netflix, drink wine, play board games, cards. Fun. Picture Perfect. FOR.A.DAY. The second day comes and you again think wow what a treat. Snow is literally forcing you to relax and enjoy family time at home, nice. But that's it. No one would EVER write a story with more than two snowed in days, unless of course they wanted to call it "lets go bat shit crazy".

Now I home school my two middle boys and have an infant at home so you would think that being snowed in really wouldn't be that big a deal right? WRONG. One of the biggest misconceptions about homeschooling is that we are home all day, every day. Could not be further from the truth. Just in a typical week, we usually hit the skate park, have piano lessons, the library, archery class, and lego club just for starters and that doesn't include anything extra at all. One of the best things about homeschooling is the freedom of less time constraints and MORE time to DO more without a stressful schedule. So being snowed in killed all that for us. Then we have our own little rhythm and system, with lessons, my workouts, and training clients. All the snow and having my daughter and husband home was nice but threw that off for us too. Again One day - NICE. Two days - TREAT. But we had SO MUCH SNOW - school was cancelled - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, & Tuesday!!! We were going a little bonkers to say the least. And guess what? We woke up to snow on Thursday and ANOTHER STORM coming Monday!! So here I sit again. Planning out my shopping list so I can cook and prep the house for coziness while my poor hubby slaves away. Planning lesson plans and fun projects to keep us busy, and praying we get less than is expected and its the last snow hurrah of the season!!

I was going through some winter ideas and came across a fun book and project I did with the kids a couple years ago and thought I would share!

Great fun project! We made home made sun bread from one of our favorite books. Fresh bread baking makes the entire house smell absolutely delicious. Such a great story and baking project for a cold day in New England!

"The sun shines not on us, but in us" --John Muir

In winter, when the days are dark and cold, people make their own light and warmth inside. Syn, fun and dough are on the rise in this tasty rhyming book with shimmering imagery about a baker who helps brighten up her snowbound town.

Winter's gray chill has set in and everyone misses the sun - especially the baker. So she decides to bring some warmth to the town by making sun bread. And as the bread bakes, rising hot and delicious, everyone comes out to share in its goodness. Everyone, including the sun itself. With a lifting, rhyming text, colorful illustrations,and a recipe for baking your own sun bread, this tasty treat from the illustrator of the best selling Abuela is just right for all ages to enjoy.

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