So... so far I have had positive blogs. Ranting and raving energy, decisions, planning, good health etc. But remember I told you they can't all be sunshine and flowers... WHAT KNOCKS A SUPER MOMMY DOWN??
Illness! And with three kids its bound to find its way in... no matter how nutritionally sound your diet is, how in tune you are with your immune system and no matter how pro active you are with your health. It happens. But it always seems like when it rains it pours and THIS IS a struggle for me. Accepting the things that I cannot change, and dealing with them. I can be dog tired and drag myself out for AM cardio, I can have a crazy day at work and get to the gym late and force myself to focus on my workout. I can be craving salty crunchy foods and choose foods that help me achieve my goals instead. BUT if my kids get sick I drop everything to take care of them, and if I get really ill I have to adhere to doctors orders somewhat.
I mean I can't say that I have horrible health, or that we're always sick, cause we're not. We have been very blessed considering. I mean our boys were preemies with very compromised immune systems and knock on wood they have never even had ear infections. I've made it through winters without more than one or two doctors visits, which with three kids is pretty good. But like I said when it rains it pours.
It's not horrible it's just when you have a set plan of action that involves certain progressions with no missed workouts, or following nutrition, it is frustrating to say the least when things happen that are out of your control. I've learned to pick up the pieces and just move forward, but it takes some adjusting your attitude when you are forced to slow down from illness. Prior to aging slightly (yes I'm still young) and my family growing, this NEVER happened to me. Year after year and show after show I never had a set back at all. Well time and life takes a toll and little things happen. Like I said it's pretty minor, but enough to alter my plans that it bothers me.
The beginning of this year, I had a small issue with a cyst bursting. It was actually a small nuisance of an issue, but very painful and until diagnosed properly was thought to be appendicitis among other things. So obviously I was instructed to take some time off the gym until that was resolved. Then back in strong for a few months, and was met with a week of my recent allergy act up and sinus infection... again that was pretty minor, a quick fix, but altered about a half of a week of training.
And NOW about three weeks later the STOMACH BUG!!! Uggg this is the worse! And in a family of five it takes time to make it's way through the family. I don't know what's worse actually vomiting until you can't move, or watching your children do it and feeling helpless :(. And then the loads and loads of laundry and cleaning that follows. Ever tried to teach a three year old how to direct his vomit into a bucket or a toilet?
My point is in 08 it was a series like this that eventually made me throw in the towel, I just could not handle it anymore. I felt like every time we got better something else came and knocked us down. But now I've learned you just live with it... you miss work, you just get back in and prove your work ethic that much more, when you're a hard worker no one really questions it like you think they would. You miss the gym and lose some weight you just get back in and hit it harder. Life is full of ups and downs and illness is one of those things sometimes we can't control. I have taken a vow to REFUSE to let it get me down, I always think it could be worse.
But in all reality, this is where I struggled with competing... in a 12 week period if I get knocked off track twice due to illness, am I standing next to someone who has never been knocked off track. Someone who doesn't have a family to take care of, someone who can plan their day according to no one but themselves. This use to mess with my head. You know the old saying if you don't give 110% there is someone else who will. This use to really get me down... but now I've reached that point in my life where MY ALL is different from someone else's all, and I'm not in this to worry about what the person next to me is doing. As long as I KNOW I'm doing MY ALL that's all that matters! This is a personal accomplishment! And if I do get back on stage I hope to INSTILL this mentality into my prep. Competition is a beautiful thing, but getting wrapped up in it, is not.
So the moral of my blog take advantage of health, because being sick, even if only for a few days is NOT FUN! I did get in for an hour of cardio this morning and some posing practice with a girlfriend competing next weekend at the Jay Cutler Classic in Boston, but I came home to more sickness and not feeling so great myself. The good thing about stomach bugs is they pass quickly, so lets hope and pray by Tuesday ish we're all ready to rock in the Villers Household!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Back Training!!!
Soooo as I said before Friday night is usually back night! I try to plan it that way as it's quieter in the gym, and I usually don't have any rush with it being a weekend night. Generally speaking for workouts I like to go for heavy and quick, versus long and high volume. This has been what works for me, everyone is different. I know many who do higher volume and it works wonderfully for them. Honestly a good friend of mine Sweet Capri (Amanda) does slightly higher volume and the girls back is to DIE FOR! But its always been a strong suit for her and she has a lot to work with and that's what works for her. It's important to play around with different splits/different exercises and see what works for your body.
I have always for the most part lifted in the 10 - 15 rep range. Always doing at the very least 4 exercises for back - two lat pull down width exercises, and two width/thickness row type exercises. Always 3-4 sets for each that's 12 - 16 sets for back. It's pretty typical for what most do. Then I tried to split back width and back thickness on different days, allowing me to completely annihilate them individually even more. While I definitely improved and noticed some changes, as you will with any consistent intense style training, it wasn't until I completely altered my training that I noticed the biggest change. I started a lower volume heavier training style. Heavy deads, heavy rows, lower reps and less volume. In order to be able to execute this style of training properly it really is a mental adjustment. Your goal is FULL, COMPLETE, MUSCLE Failure, possibly with as little as two exercises.
For most of us the thought of this seems like slacking. How can we not hit the back from different angles? How can we exhaust it with under 10 sets? It seems to go against the grain of what most creating a aesthetic physique would do. And like I said it may not be ideal for everyone. IT takes a certain mentality to be able to wrap your head and your energy around this style of training and embrace it. For me personally, it was the key to making the most out of my gains. I do utilize many different styles and try to rotate in even higher volume some weeks so as not to get bored or stale in my workouts. But for my staple, lower volume seems to have worked best for me. Of course I have to say much success came from proper nutrition in the off season as well, as higher calories/protein/carbs and consistency were key as well.
But as I carried through that off season that I made the most gains, I stuck to strict strict DC style training. If you don't know what that is, google Dante's Dog Crap Training, and it'll give you a jist. I stuck to it piece by piece, rule by rule, logbook, negatives, rest pause, isos, the whole kit and caboodle. Although I don't totally train like that now I do take some of the concepts and incorporate them into my workouts.
So Friday's workout:
Deads: warm up 95 X15, 135 X 12, 185 X 10, 205 X 5
Lat pull downs(with arnold bar - hands facing in) 3 sets - 90lb X 12
Bent over DB rows 2 sets 40lbs X 10
Cable rows - 1 set 75lbs X 15
Nothing spectacular and numbers aren't important, just like to give people an idea of the progressions and reps... first exercise is MY ALL OUT... pyramid down in reps as the weights continues to increase. Switched to lat pull downs I went lighter with higher reps. By then for me, I try to keep it short and sweet from there, some rows to finish it out medium weight, medium rep range. Could I do more? Doesn't look like much right? My feeling is, if I could do more I didn't train hard enough on those first two exercises. But because my strength is getting back up it is slowly getting back to that point of failure which is perfect!
Her are some progress pics of my back...
First pic fall of 07 (I believe I was 10 weeks out)... the boys were only a year old so I had only been back to lifting for like 9 months... see I didn't have much to work with lol

Then Mid Off season beginning of 08...

And then getting ready for Junior Nats in 08 - 8 weeks out...

It's not perfect, it definitely still needs much improvement, and I'm "hoping as I strip off fat I've added maybe a tad more, I know it's just a tad because I need more solid time. But I have to say the change in training has made a difference... so here is to more DEADS in my future, more consistency and planning, and BYPASSING my PR of 225 X 6... again its not about numbers but that and pics are good tools to know you're growing and getting stronger!
**And I hate to even add this but it often needs to be reminded when comparing results, I am 100% natural, always have been, I mean even OTC natural... so gains come at different rates for different people especially depending on age, length of training, and enhanced or not.
I have always for the most part lifted in the 10 - 15 rep range. Always doing at the very least 4 exercises for back - two lat pull down width exercises, and two width/thickness row type exercises. Always 3-4 sets for each that's 12 - 16 sets for back. It's pretty typical for what most do. Then I tried to split back width and back thickness on different days, allowing me to completely annihilate them individually even more. While I definitely improved and noticed some changes, as you will with any consistent intense style training, it wasn't until I completely altered my training that I noticed the biggest change. I started a lower volume heavier training style. Heavy deads, heavy rows, lower reps and less volume. In order to be able to execute this style of training properly it really is a mental adjustment. Your goal is FULL, COMPLETE, MUSCLE Failure, possibly with as little as two exercises.
For most of us the thought of this seems like slacking. How can we not hit the back from different angles? How can we exhaust it with under 10 sets? It seems to go against the grain of what most creating a aesthetic physique would do. And like I said it may not be ideal for everyone. IT takes a certain mentality to be able to wrap your head and your energy around this style of training and embrace it. For me personally, it was the key to making the most out of my gains. I do utilize many different styles and try to rotate in even higher volume some weeks so as not to get bored or stale in my workouts. But for my staple, lower volume seems to have worked best for me. Of course I have to say much success came from proper nutrition in the off season as well, as higher calories/protein/carbs and consistency were key as well.
But as I carried through that off season that I made the most gains, I stuck to strict strict DC style training. If you don't know what that is, google Dante's Dog Crap Training, and it'll give you a jist. I stuck to it piece by piece, rule by rule, logbook, negatives, rest pause, isos, the whole kit and caboodle. Although I don't totally train like that now I do take some of the concepts and incorporate them into my workouts.
So Friday's workout:
Deads: warm up 95 X15, 135 X 12, 185 X 10, 205 X 5
Lat pull downs(with arnold bar - hands facing in) 3 sets - 90lb X 12
Bent over DB rows 2 sets 40lbs X 10
Cable rows - 1 set 75lbs X 15
Nothing spectacular and numbers aren't important, just like to give people an idea of the progressions and reps... first exercise is MY ALL OUT... pyramid down in reps as the weights continues to increase. Switched to lat pull downs I went lighter with higher reps. By then for me, I try to keep it short and sweet from there, some rows to finish it out medium weight, medium rep range. Could I do more? Doesn't look like much right? My feeling is, if I could do more I didn't train hard enough on those first two exercises. But because my strength is getting back up it is slowly getting back to that point of failure which is perfect!
Her are some progress pics of my back...
First pic fall of 07 (I believe I was 10 weeks out)... the boys were only a year old so I had only been back to lifting for like 9 months... see I didn't have much to work with lol

Then Mid Off season beginning of 08...

And then getting ready for Junior Nats in 08 - 8 weeks out...

It's not perfect, it definitely still needs much improvement, and I'm "hoping as I strip off fat I've added maybe a tad more, I know it's just a tad because I need more solid time. But I have to say the change in training has made a difference... so here is to more DEADS in my future, more consistency and planning, and BYPASSING my PR of 225 X 6... again its not about numbers but that and pics are good tools to know you're growing and getting stronger!
**And I hate to even add this but it often needs to be reminded when comparing results, I am 100% natural, always have been, I mean even OTC natural... so gains come at different rates for different people especially depending on age, length of training, and enhanced or not.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"I know you see me lookin girl go on and act right,
a little closer let me see you in the spotlight,
now turn around and let me see just what your curve like."
a little closer let me see you in the spotlight,
now turn around and let me see just what your curve like."
Yes this is from a JT song lol, I listen to it almost EVERY workout at the beginning. Gives me that stage sass confidence to start visualizing sh*t. Sound crazy? It shouldn't, visualizing is one hell of a powerful tool! As I get closer to stage time, and even if I never do, it's still powerful and I use it more and more as I focus. Pre-contest I will actually visualize my poses and utilize that posing with isometric exercises. It's all in your head, 90% of this is in your head. Not only does practice make perfect, but so does mental strength and BELIEF in yourself.
I say it all the time, but if you don't believe you deserve to be on that stage, if you don't believe you deserve to win, no one else will. And you can't fake it, you can try, but put next to a truly confident person, the fake will shine through with high beams on.
What wins figure shows? Everyone wants to know... Are they looking for soft? Are they looking for hard? Do they want veins? Do they not want veins? Is it who's the prettiest? Is it who's the sexiest? I do not have all the awnsers but I will tell you this, from watching figure since 2001, although criteria and standards have changed over time and between federations for your physique, one thing will always remain: true Charisma, Poise, Presence, Package, and Confidence WINS FIGURE SHOWS!
Of course it's a physique show, don't show up looking 6 weeks out. But equally do not show up with your body perfect, but your hair in a gym ponytail, no make-up on, a borrowed suit all twisted and ill fitted, eyes on the ground as you walk, or without a smile. You are in a competition to SHOWCASE your physique. And how are you going to do that if you don't SHOW them EVERYTHING you have to offer? I mean your walk, your suit, your hair, your nails, your jewelry, every little piece.
It's part of the game... so that's why I like those lyrics...know what you are in for. It's not just a physique competition. If you were to stand on stage and Justin Timberlake was to sing to you "I know you see me lookin girl go on and act right, a little closer let me see you in the spotlight, now turn around and let me see just what your curves like." How would you show up? JT doesn't do it for you lol pick someone else then lol but you get my point. So many people want to compete in a competition where they are simply judged on their physique only, strictly on their hard work put in the gym or dieting, or maybe even simply on their gentic structure. That is not what figure and ESPECIALLY not what bikini is, I got news for you even bodybuilding encompasses a lot more than just that.
So I just wanted to touch on that as I did plan to put up pictures of competitors and break it down from the show I judged last week. But honestly I have notes on competitors by numbers. And the final listings are by names, and trying to coordinate who's who, is... well... crazy.
I don't want to post wrong information, so I told all competitors if they wanted feedback to contact me with their NUMBER... it's hard to keep track of everyone. And remember, I am only one judge on a panel of many so feedback is just that, feedback, it's not the HOLY GRAIL. This is a subjective sport, always remember that in the back of your head.
So moving on... competitive season is in FULL SWING!! And the smell of protan literally is making me giddy! Next up this weekend The IFBB Europa in Florida, and The Fitness America Fitness Atlantic show in CT. Now I have to say since my goal is to hit as many local shows as I can this show in CT was on my radar. BUT I HAVE to work tomorrow :( I would have even made sure to take off, but some one's on vacation, and I would never leave them short handed. So as badly as I wanted to go, I did the responsible thing and am missing it. I would have definitely drove down to watch as it's not only a packed show, but it's a SHOW SHOW. I mean choreographed opening numbers, great routines, awesome stage lighting, well run, nice venue, the works!! And it's close to ME. I mean I would LOVE to be at the Europa too but its in FL and this is in my back yard.
I know many people ask me how talking about different federations so openly seems to be a conflict of interest. And I believe... well, not really. All promoters are not created equal unfortunately. And when I am blessed enough to meet ones that are so passionate about this sport and sincere, I like to support them any way I can. Also I am an amateur competitor, yes I have received 3 natural pro cards, but with the exception of one, I never competed pro, because IFBB is the ultimate goal.
So anyway back to great promoters and great shows. Brian Cannone and Donna ;) are wonderful promoters! This is the shows 12th year and it continues to grow and grow! The goodie bags they have this year for their competitors are to DIE FOR, and they take great pride in that. The atmosphere is exquisite, and like I said if you're testing the waters and hitting local shows I would definitely recommend it.
I actually competed in Brians show in 2005. I did horrible, I'll be honest... horrible... worst placing I've ever received I think. But the bikini look is different than the look I was trying to achieve... this was three weeks after winning FAME figure. So again different shows, different federations, different judges, different criteria. But I had no hard feelings. I'm glad the experience I had, and I STILL recommend this show! It was a great time AND since then they have added a figure division that allows more traditional, more muscular figure, more options for competitors. And Brian actually chose my picture as one of the competitors on his show flyer the next year so it was a win win!! I was trying to find it to scan it in but I couldn't.
This was Brian and I at Kevin's show last weekend:

And.... SPRING is in the air...
Finally after a week of antibiotics I am feeling better! Almost done with my medicine and sinus infection GONE! I am still taking the allergy meds to keep them at bay, which I'm not really a fan of taking because they make me sleepy but sleepy is better than sick I guess... I"m hoping I won't have to take them all summer , maybe just through the Spring. Here is a pic of my baby boy Broderick all wound up and ready to pitch! We are ready to be outdoors 24/7 LOVE WARMER WEATHER!!!

I do still have the baby weight blog in my brain... hopefully coming soon. But my next direct one will be a focus on back training. Was a notable weak spot for me and I'll delve into how I altered my training and definitely brought it up, but am still making it a focus. Plan to post my workout from tonight (dead lifted - 205 for 5 tonight - although I was happy with it, unfortunately it's not a personal record, but we'll get more into that in the next blog). I'll get some back progress pics in here (not recent, not there yet), and everyone feel free to share suggestions/tips etc.
Hope everyone has a great WEEKEND!
I say it all the time, but if you don't believe you deserve to be on that stage, if you don't believe you deserve to win, no one else will. And you can't fake it, you can try, but put next to a truly confident person, the fake will shine through with high beams on.
What wins figure shows? Everyone wants to know... Are they looking for soft? Are they looking for hard? Do they want veins? Do they not want veins? Is it who's the prettiest? Is it who's the sexiest? I do not have all the awnsers but I will tell you this, from watching figure since 2001, although criteria and standards have changed over time and between federations for your physique, one thing will always remain: true Charisma, Poise, Presence, Package, and Confidence WINS FIGURE SHOWS!
Of course it's a physique show, don't show up looking 6 weeks out. But equally do not show up with your body perfect, but your hair in a gym ponytail, no make-up on, a borrowed suit all twisted and ill fitted, eyes on the ground as you walk, or without a smile. You are in a competition to SHOWCASE your physique. And how are you going to do that if you don't SHOW them EVERYTHING you have to offer? I mean your walk, your suit, your hair, your nails, your jewelry, every little piece.
It's part of the game... so that's why I like those lyrics...know what you are in for. It's not just a physique competition. If you were to stand on stage and Justin Timberlake was to sing to you "I know you see me lookin girl go on and act right, a little closer let me see you in the spotlight, now turn around and let me see just what your curves like." How would you show up? JT doesn't do it for you lol pick someone else then lol but you get my point. So many people want to compete in a competition where they are simply judged on their physique only, strictly on their hard work put in the gym or dieting, or maybe even simply on their gentic structure. That is not what figure and ESPECIALLY not what bikini is, I got news for you even bodybuilding encompasses a lot more than just that.
So I just wanted to touch on that as I did plan to put up pictures of competitors and break it down from the show I judged last week. But honestly I have notes on competitors by numbers. And the final listings are by names, and trying to coordinate who's who, is... well... crazy.
I don't want to post wrong information, so I told all competitors if they wanted feedback to contact me with their NUMBER... it's hard to keep track of everyone. And remember, I am only one judge on a panel of many so feedback is just that, feedback, it's not the HOLY GRAIL. This is a subjective sport, always remember that in the back of your head.
So moving on... competitive season is in FULL SWING!! And the smell of protan literally is making me giddy! Next up this weekend The IFBB Europa in Florida, and The Fitness America Fitness Atlantic show in CT. Now I have to say since my goal is to hit as many local shows as I can this show in CT was on my radar. BUT I HAVE to work tomorrow :( I would have even made sure to take off, but some one's on vacation, and I would never leave them short handed. So as badly as I wanted to go, I did the responsible thing and am missing it. I would have definitely drove down to watch as it's not only a packed show, but it's a SHOW SHOW. I mean choreographed opening numbers, great routines, awesome stage lighting, well run, nice venue, the works!! And it's close to ME. I mean I would LOVE to be at the Europa too but its in FL and this is in my back yard.
I know many people ask me how talking about different federations so openly seems to be a conflict of interest. And I believe... well, not really. All promoters are not created equal unfortunately. And when I am blessed enough to meet ones that are so passionate about this sport and sincere, I like to support them any way I can. Also I am an amateur competitor, yes I have received 3 natural pro cards, but with the exception of one, I never competed pro, because IFBB is the ultimate goal.
So anyway back to great promoters and great shows. Brian Cannone and Donna ;) are wonderful promoters! This is the shows 12th year and it continues to grow and grow! The goodie bags they have this year for their competitors are to DIE FOR, and they take great pride in that. The atmosphere is exquisite, and like I said if you're testing the waters and hitting local shows I would definitely recommend it.
I actually competed in Brians show in 2005. I did horrible, I'll be honest... horrible... worst placing I've ever received I think. But the bikini look is different than the look I was trying to achieve... this was three weeks after winning FAME figure. So again different shows, different federations, different judges, different criteria. But I had no hard feelings. I'm glad the experience I had, and I STILL recommend this show! It was a great time AND since then they have added a figure division that allows more traditional, more muscular figure, more options for competitors. And Brian actually chose my picture as one of the competitors on his show flyer the next year so it was a win win!! I was trying to find it to scan it in but I couldn't.
In any event I want to wish the local competitors competing tomorrow at the
Fitness Atlantic the BEST OF LUCK!!
BUT I also want to wish everyone involved a great show!
It's not easy to get all of this together, organized and run smoothly and promoters never get eneough credit!
Fitness Atlantic the BEST OF LUCK!!
BUT I also want to wish everyone involved a great show!
It's not easy to get all of this together, organized and run smoothly and promoters never get eneough credit!
This was Brian and I at Kevin's show last weekend:

And.... SPRING is in the air...
Finally after a week of antibiotics I am feeling better! Almost done with my medicine and sinus infection GONE! I am still taking the allergy meds to keep them at bay, which I'm not really a fan of taking because they make me sleepy but sleepy is better than sick I guess... I"m hoping I won't have to take them all summer , maybe just through the Spring. Here is a pic of my baby boy Broderick all wound up and ready to pitch! We are ready to be outdoors 24/7 LOVE WARMER WEATHER!!!

I do still have the baby weight blog in my brain... hopefully coming soon. But my next direct one will be a focus on back training. Was a notable weak spot for me and I'll delve into how I altered my training and definitely brought it up, but am still making it a focus. Plan to post my workout from tonight (dead lifted - 205 for 5 tonight - although I was happy with it, unfortunately it's not a personal record, but we'll get more into that in the next blog). I'll get some back progress pics in here (not recent, not there yet), and everyone feel free to share suggestions/tips etc.
Hope everyone has a great WEEKEND!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Typical Bend ya Over Monday!!
Okay I have a confession because I have to give credit where credits due... I totally stole that title from Tammy Patnode (IFBB PRO) she had it as her update on facebook and it cracked me up! That woman comes out with the best phrases!! Anywhoooo it is Monday and I have MUCH to blog about MUCH! So much in fact I'm gonna have to prioritize with an update...
See things pop into my head daily, or I get emails with questions that I have in depth answers to and would be perfect for a blog. You see the writing it out part, well that actually comes pretty easy to me... but the TIME part... oh well, the TIME, that's not so easy! In fact lately, TIME has been doing the old vanishing act on me.
Remember I said we all are given the same hours in the day and we all have the choice of what to do with them... well I've been choosing. And I believe I've been choosing wisely... BUT if you also remember I said I was full of it! IT being energy, ideas, goals, and thus have been filling up my time accordingly. Picking up extra hours at work, spending time outside with the kids - always a priority, GYM GYM GYM of course, making time for hubby, we had an awesome date night Friday night. Which really quickly I just need to tell any parents out there like us who don't get out often without the kids: we found an awesome Gymnastics place that has a kids fun night! You drop the kids off for three hours, they have supervised play (small ratios ), they give them pizza, a snack, and juice for dinner and THEY LOVED IT!! (my boys cried to leave!) Meanwhile hubby and I went to a Japanese restaurant called Bamboo and had a nice little date night, kids free! It was fabulous! Any moms feel free to email me and I'll give you more details. And I must mention at Bamboo there are MANY MANY healthy steamed choices on the menu. I had chicken and asparagus. Okay so back to the time issue... sorry I can easily get side tracked, as I said I'm getting more involved in the sport again, so Saturday I was in Rhode Island judging Kevin Topka's BLNPA show which I had so much fun at! Was a great turn out ESPECIALLY for figure!
I have to say I had a slight set back, but very slight... I started off the week with no voice, and just feeling horrible, and ended it at the doctors. Shame on me for waiting to long and pushing through work and the gym, because I ended up with a sinus infection. But good meds and good rest and I'm on the road to full recovery.
Figured while I was sick I would address a quick question I hear often, SHOULD I CONTINUE TO TRAIN AND DIET IF I"M SICK? I'll give you the short answer... yes! 90% of the time, yes! By this I mean, how sick is sick? Common cold, stomach ache, headache, mild cramps?? YES. Flu, vomiting or fever NO. Like I said this is the very short answer. But think about it, if you take off every time you are slightly under the weather, how many days a month would you miss? Now how many days a year? Sometimes the key is to just get there and tell yourself : I'm only going to do 30 minutes of cardio, and if I feel sick, I'll leave. It's true, trust your body, if you feel sick LEAVE. But 9 times out of 10 it will make you feel better. Also you can't judge your feeling by first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, this is when if you're sick you tend to be the worst. It's more about trusting your body and trying to get there. Even if it means you're not breaking any personal records that night, you still attempted to get there. Now obviously you want to make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and rest, and if you absolutely need a few days off trust your body. But don't get into the habit of just saying I'm not feeling well tonight, I'm not going to go to the gym. You will quickly find that suddenly you're "not feeling well" often because you can justify skipping for that reason.
In my case I pushed until I knew it was pointless to push because I really started getting sick (plus my hubby kind of insisted on a day off - sometimes I can be so stubborn with resting, its really not intentional, I just like to go. Sometimes he saves me from myself.) I went to the gym Monday through Wednesday took Thursday off and went to the Dr.'s on Friday... I was instructed to rest (I had my gym clothes on going in lol). So I took Friday off the gym went and Judged Saturday. After almost 48 hours on antibiotics by Sunday, I was back in the gym. I can't say I was 100% myself, but I got in a decent workout and cardio and was glad I didn't let it hold me down. I'm still making sure to hydrate and rest (well right after I finish this blog I'll rest) - see not enough hours in the day!
So lots going on, working extra this week so juggling that with the fam and the gym. Have all my notes from the show this past weekend with pics and criteria, will def try to get those up within a week or two, need to sort through everything.
By the end of the week I plan to actually start tracking my progress to hold myself a little more accountable. Not necessarily on here, yet, but writing down measurements, weight etc. helps keep you on point. I use to be compulsive about my log book and my measurements/weight tracking. I am trying not to become so compulsive about it again, because its not necessary, but I do want some record and point of reference. Just eating good and working out is not enough. Many will try to convince you it is, and it may be in the beginning, but as your lifestyle changes to being fit, it takes the next steps to progress to the next steps. And I'm not even talking contest prep.
With the kids - Bianca has her talent show this week, school vacation next week (which is always very busy for us), recital pictures coming up, getting BUSY!!
And the last thing I just want to touch on is support!! My family is my rock and my support system. I know it seems like I do a lot but I couldn't keep all these balls in the air without them! Without them I would never be able to juggle the things I do. Starting with my husband, number one he loves grocery shopping, what man loves grocery shopping? But he does, so Sunday he went food shopping while I went to the gym. My inlaws! Friday my mother in-law saw my update on facebook that I was heading to the doctors and called to see if she could take the kids, I was already there so she met me there and took them for a few hours so I could rest!! MY parents!! Saturday was Daddy's chill day with the boys and I had to go to RI for the show, my parents asked to take Bianca for a sleepover! They spoiled her rotten, dinner, movie, ice cream, shopping... sure makes me feel less guilty being away knowing she's having so much fun. I could go on and on about my family. Even when I compete they not quite understand why I do it, or why I put myself through it, but they are supportive towards me nonetheless. I can't begin to express how thankful I am to have them!
So next blog... I've gotten tons of emails on how to lose the baby weight... that will be my next one, with a focus on skin. Then try to get the show stuff, figure criteria together... and then I'd like to get to the nitty gritty of what I'm doing nutrition/splits/ cardio so I can track that better on here... all in good time :)
Hope everyone has a great week and it wasn't too bad of a bend ya over Monday! lol
See things pop into my head daily, or I get emails with questions that I have in depth answers to and would be perfect for a blog. You see the writing it out part, well that actually comes pretty easy to me... but the TIME part... oh well, the TIME, that's not so easy! In fact lately, TIME has been doing the old vanishing act on me.
Remember I said we all are given the same hours in the day and we all have the choice of what to do with them... well I've been choosing. And I believe I've been choosing wisely... BUT if you also remember I said I was full of it! IT being energy, ideas, goals, and thus have been filling up my time accordingly. Picking up extra hours at work, spending time outside with the kids - always a priority, GYM GYM GYM of course, making time for hubby, we had an awesome date night Friday night. Which really quickly I just need to tell any parents out there like us who don't get out often without the kids: we found an awesome Gymnastics place that has a kids fun night! You drop the kids off for three hours, they have supervised play (small ratios ), they give them pizza, a snack, and juice for dinner and THEY LOVED IT!! (my boys cried to leave!) Meanwhile hubby and I went to a Japanese restaurant called Bamboo and had a nice little date night, kids free! It was fabulous! Any moms feel free to email me and I'll give you more details. And I must mention at Bamboo there are MANY MANY healthy steamed choices on the menu. I had chicken and asparagus. Okay so back to the time issue... sorry I can easily get side tracked, as I said I'm getting more involved in the sport again, so Saturday I was in Rhode Island judging Kevin Topka's BLNPA show which I had so much fun at! Was a great turn out ESPECIALLY for figure!
I have to say I had a slight set back, but very slight... I started off the week with no voice, and just feeling horrible, and ended it at the doctors. Shame on me for waiting to long and pushing through work and the gym, because I ended up with a sinus infection. But good meds and good rest and I'm on the road to full recovery.
Figured while I was sick I would address a quick question I hear often, SHOULD I CONTINUE TO TRAIN AND DIET IF I"M SICK? I'll give you the short answer... yes! 90% of the time, yes! By this I mean, how sick is sick? Common cold, stomach ache, headache, mild cramps?? YES. Flu, vomiting or fever NO. Like I said this is the very short answer. But think about it, if you take off every time you are slightly under the weather, how many days a month would you miss? Now how many days a year? Sometimes the key is to just get there and tell yourself : I'm only going to do 30 minutes of cardio, and if I feel sick, I'll leave. It's true, trust your body, if you feel sick LEAVE. But 9 times out of 10 it will make you feel better. Also you can't judge your feeling by first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, this is when if you're sick you tend to be the worst. It's more about trusting your body and trying to get there. Even if it means you're not breaking any personal records that night, you still attempted to get there. Now obviously you want to make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and rest, and if you absolutely need a few days off trust your body. But don't get into the habit of just saying I'm not feeling well tonight, I'm not going to go to the gym. You will quickly find that suddenly you're "not feeling well" often because you can justify skipping for that reason.
In my case I pushed until I knew it was pointless to push because I really started getting sick (plus my hubby kind of insisted on a day off - sometimes I can be so stubborn with resting, its really not intentional, I just like to go. Sometimes he saves me from myself.) I went to the gym Monday through Wednesday took Thursday off and went to the Dr.'s on Friday... I was instructed to rest (I had my gym clothes on going in lol). So I took Friday off the gym went and Judged Saturday. After almost 48 hours on antibiotics by Sunday, I was back in the gym. I can't say I was 100% myself, but I got in a decent workout and cardio and was glad I didn't let it hold me down. I'm still making sure to hydrate and rest (well right after I finish this blog I'll rest) - see not enough hours in the day!
So lots going on, working extra this week so juggling that with the fam and the gym. Have all my notes from the show this past weekend with pics and criteria, will def try to get those up within a week or two, need to sort through everything.
By the end of the week I plan to actually start tracking my progress to hold myself a little more accountable. Not necessarily on here, yet, but writing down measurements, weight etc. helps keep you on point. I use to be compulsive about my log book and my measurements/weight tracking. I am trying not to become so compulsive about it again, because its not necessary, but I do want some record and point of reference. Just eating good and working out is not enough. Many will try to convince you it is, and it may be in the beginning, but as your lifestyle changes to being fit, it takes the next steps to progress to the next steps. And I'm not even talking contest prep.
With the kids - Bianca has her talent show this week, school vacation next week (which is always very busy for us), recital pictures coming up, getting BUSY!!
And the last thing I just want to touch on is support!! My family is my rock and my support system. I know it seems like I do a lot but I couldn't keep all these balls in the air without them! Without them I would never be able to juggle the things I do. Starting with my husband, number one he loves grocery shopping, what man loves grocery shopping? But he does, so Sunday he went food shopping while I went to the gym. My inlaws! Friday my mother in-law saw my update on facebook that I was heading to the doctors and called to see if she could take the kids, I was already there so she met me there and took them for a few hours so I could rest!! MY parents!! Saturday was Daddy's chill day with the boys and I had to go to RI for the show, my parents asked to take Bianca for a sleepover! They spoiled her rotten, dinner, movie, ice cream, shopping... sure makes me feel less guilty being away knowing she's having so much fun. I could go on and on about my family. Even when I compete they not quite understand why I do it, or why I put myself through it, but they are supportive towards me nonetheless. I can't begin to express how thankful I am to have them!
So next blog... I've gotten tons of emails on how to lose the baby weight... that will be my next one, with a focus on skin. Then try to get the show stuff, figure criteria together... and then I'd like to get to the nitty gritty of what I'm doing nutrition/splits/ cardio so I can track that better on here... all in good time :)
Hope everyone has a great week and it wasn't too bad of a bend ya over Monday! lol
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Little Background...
So I've been meaning to touch base on my back ground. I don't want to just list shows and dates and be boring so I'll do my quickest, best recap :)
IN a nut shell it goes like this...
Teen MOM settles down to married life and motherhood, embraces all the responsibilities that comes with it, and finds that through turmoil sometimes come the most beautiful blessings!
At 20, I entered my first figure competition. With my 2 year old and hubby's support it was my little way to gain back some sense of self, confidence, and a good challenge. I was HOOKED!
WNBF pro card at 20... FAME/WNSO pro card at 22... starting personal training and teaching group exercise in there, with some of the best in the area... I am truly blessed to have had certain people fall into my life.
2005 after I won my pro card with Fame, we decided it was time to focus on building this little family of ours. Timed it perfectly, finished competing, went on vacation and starting trying, first try and BAM THERE'S TWO in there! lol
We went through what can only be described as a TERROR of a pregnancy, with life threatening complications... our babies are literally medical miracles, that have had articles written on them AND been on the news. And once again learned through turmoil sometimes comes the most beautiful blessings!!
8 Months after delivering my miracle babies, I was BACK ON STAGE and won the overall at the Natural Northeast and received my Body Language Natural Physiques Pro card. At that time I wanted a new challenge, and decided it was time to move onto the National Physique Committee (NPC). I qualified for Nationals in 07 and took some time off to really embrace the importance of SOLID OFF SEASONS, DC HEAVY TRAINING, and was on my way to my first National Stage in 08. Three weeks out, with some health problems and personal problems, I never made my way there...
That hit was a HUGE blow to my mentality, self esteem, and just my flow of a healthy lifestyle. I have NEVER EVER backed out of a show, its just not my style, I like to see things through. Even the show I won the overall after the boys were born, I was violently vomiting two days before I walked on stage, and I wouldn't quit. So if you can imagine backing out of my first national show 3 weeks out didn't sit well with me. I honestly thought I'd never be back to feeling like myself, but I was wrong! Maybe someday I'll delve more into what that encompassed but honestly that material is TRULY book worthy!!
In any case I do have my spark back, I do have my energy back, and I do have my life back! And once again I LEARN... come on say it with me... THROUGH TERRIBLE TURMOIL COMES THE BEST BLESSINGS!!
Now with healthy almost four year old identical twins, a beautiful 10 year old princess, and a SUPPORTIVE hubby, I am back to not missing a beat!
With chaperoning, PTO, class mother, dance, play dates, doctors appointments, cleaning, cooking, working ... I TRULY practice what I preach. I 100% believe this lifestyle or A FOCUS on healthy living in GENERAL will bring you a better quality of life. YOU look good you feel good, and when you feel good YOU LOOK GOOD!
All in Balance FAMILY FIRST, FITNESS/(maybe competing if it fits) NEXT, and then FUN!!!
So with that little wrap up... what's to come for me? Have I picked a show? Am I in the off season? Who am I working with? These are questions I get often. And my awnser... I literally have to take it week by week! I will update as I know ;) this week I am "dieting" I hate using that word because if you eat healthy 80% of the time it may just mean manipulating macros, carb timing, or slightly adjusting calories and food choices. I hate using the D word because of the negative connotation it brings, so unnecessary.
So these are my terms :
This week my fitness focus is DIET, getting in all my food... sound crazy right? Diet to most means cutting calories right? Well yes, but it also means revving your metabolism with the proper amount of calories and often to fuel your body, fuel your workouts and your muscle... and when you're very busy sometimes its hard to get all your food in. Skipping meals are counter productive to my goals, so I need to be better about getting it all in. I'm also fighting allergies (or maybe dare I say a cold :() and have no taste buds so I'm literally eating for sport... gotta do it though I know what my body needs!
Another little update... Remember that show I won the overall in 07 The Natural Northeast... well I've been invited to judge! There is IMO no better way to prepare yourself to get back up there than to see and hear what goes on in a judging pit. It's a subjective, controversial sport and my thoughts... if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen! Judging for me allows me to open up to a whole other side of the sport, it gives me more knowledge and experience in the sport, and most of all I love doing it!
So anyone attending or competing please come and say HI and we'll grab some pics together!! Good luck to all those competing and REMEMBER this is YOUR STORY this is YOUR JOURNEY, ENJOY IT! Very few people choose to put their bodies and minds through what you do, so that alone should make you feel like a winner!! Blah Blah I know right? We all compete to win! But NO ONE can take away your experience... with or without a trophy, its important to remember that! Next blog I'll post pics and criteria breakdowns, its a good way to mentally prepare for what the judges are looking for.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week and the New Englanders are outside at some point enjoying this weather!! It's gonna be 90 degrees in BOSTON TODAY!!!
**This Picture was with Hubby after winning the Overall at the Show I'll be judging Saturday... I can honestly say it's probably one of my proudest moments in fitness to date because 1. they boys were babies and not even sleeping through the night yet! 2. I had the stomach bug a day a half before and 3. I hadn't been on stage in two years and I just felt like a million bucks up there!!

And this is the show flyer for Saturday: See everyone there!!
IN a nut shell it goes like this...
Teen MOM settles down to married life and motherhood, embraces all the responsibilities that comes with it, and finds that through turmoil sometimes come the most beautiful blessings!
At 20, I entered my first figure competition. With my 2 year old and hubby's support it was my little way to gain back some sense of self, confidence, and a good challenge. I was HOOKED!
WNBF pro card at 20... FAME/WNSO pro card at 22... starting personal training and teaching group exercise in there, with some of the best in the area... I am truly blessed to have had certain people fall into my life.
2005 after I won my pro card with Fame, we decided it was time to focus on building this little family of ours. Timed it perfectly, finished competing, went on vacation and starting trying, first try and BAM THERE'S TWO in there! lol
We went through what can only be described as a TERROR of a pregnancy, with life threatening complications... our babies are literally medical miracles, that have had articles written on them AND been on the news. And once again learned through turmoil sometimes comes the most beautiful blessings!!
8 Months after delivering my miracle babies, I was BACK ON STAGE and won the overall at the Natural Northeast and received my Body Language Natural Physiques Pro card. At that time I wanted a new challenge, and decided it was time to move onto the National Physique Committee (NPC). I qualified for Nationals in 07 and took some time off to really embrace the importance of SOLID OFF SEASONS, DC HEAVY TRAINING, and was on my way to my first National Stage in 08. Three weeks out, with some health problems and personal problems, I never made my way there...
That hit was a HUGE blow to my mentality, self esteem, and just my flow of a healthy lifestyle. I have NEVER EVER backed out of a show, its just not my style, I like to see things through. Even the show I won the overall after the boys were born, I was violently vomiting two days before I walked on stage, and I wouldn't quit. So if you can imagine backing out of my first national show 3 weeks out didn't sit well with me. I honestly thought I'd never be back to feeling like myself, but I was wrong! Maybe someday I'll delve more into what that encompassed but honestly that material is TRULY book worthy!!
In any case I do have my spark back, I do have my energy back, and I do have my life back! And once again I LEARN... come on say it with me... THROUGH TERRIBLE TURMOIL COMES THE BEST BLESSINGS!!
Now with healthy almost four year old identical twins, a beautiful 10 year old princess, and a SUPPORTIVE hubby, I am back to not missing a beat!
With chaperoning, PTO, class mother, dance, play dates, doctors appointments, cleaning, cooking, working ... I TRULY practice what I preach. I 100% believe this lifestyle or A FOCUS on healthy living in GENERAL will bring you a better quality of life. YOU look good you feel good, and when you feel good YOU LOOK GOOD!
All in Balance FAMILY FIRST, FITNESS/(maybe competing if it fits) NEXT, and then FUN!!!
So with that little wrap up... what's to come for me? Have I picked a show? Am I in the off season? Who am I working with? These are questions I get often. And my awnser... I literally have to take it week by week! I will update as I know ;) this week I am "dieting" I hate using that word because if you eat healthy 80% of the time it may just mean manipulating macros, carb timing, or slightly adjusting calories and food choices. I hate using the D word because of the negative connotation it brings, so unnecessary.
So these are my terms :
- trying to get leaner AKA dieting "cleaning it up"
- trying to gain Muscle AKA bulking (but that's a CLEAN bulk... no rolls)
- floating... lol this is my favorite (not really) its that period right before you may be dieting and right at the end of a solid offseason its that point where you indulge and nibble here and there, you're maintaining but have no pull in one direction of the other... also known as the "fluffy stage" lol I unfortunately have been in that phase far too long!
- and then of course there's prepping if you here me say that it is GAME ON! full prep mode for a competition!
This week my fitness focus is DIET, getting in all my food... sound crazy right? Diet to most means cutting calories right? Well yes, but it also means revving your metabolism with the proper amount of calories and often to fuel your body, fuel your workouts and your muscle... and when you're very busy sometimes its hard to get all your food in. Skipping meals are counter productive to my goals, so I need to be better about getting it all in. I'm also fighting allergies (or maybe dare I say a cold :() and have no taste buds so I'm literally eating for sport... gotta do it though I know what my body needs!
Another little update... Remember that show I won the overall in 07 The Natural Northeast... well I've been invited to judge! There is IMO no better way to prepare yourself to get back up there than to see and hear what goes on in a judging pit. It's a subjective, controversial sport and my thoughts... if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen! Judging for me allows me to open up to a whole other side of the sport, it gives me more knowledge and experience in the sport, and most of all I love doing it!
So anyone attending or competing please come and say HI and we'll grab some pics together!! Good luck to all those competing and REMEMBER this is YOUR STORY this is YOUR JOURNEY, ENJOY IT! Very few people choose to put their bodies and minds through what you do, so that alone should make you feel like a winner!! Blah Blah I know right? We all compete to win! But NO ONE can take away your experience... with or without a trophy, its important to remember that! Next blog I'll post pics and criteria breakdowns, its a good way to mentally prepare for what the judges are looking for.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week and the New Englanders are outside at some point enjoying this weather!! It's gonna be 90 degrees in BOSTON TODAY!!!
**This Picture was with Hubby after winning the Overall at the Show I'll be judging Saturday... I can honestly say it's probably one of my proudest moments in fitness to date because 1. they boys were babies and not even sleeping through the night yet! 2. I had the stomach bug a day a half before and 3. I hadn't been on stage in two years and I just felt like a million bucks up there!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Weekend!

I started this blog with the intention to really use it and so far I havn't been writing as much as I'd like to. I am going to get better though, as I have my energy and creative vibes FLOWING LIKE CRAZY!!! Today I updated my facebook status I FEEL LIKE A MILLION FREAKIN BUCKS and I do!!! Then I thought ohhhh this could be dangerous lol Energy for me equals ideas, ideas equal goals, goals equal challenges and some times when I get in these moods I wanna take on the world, and end up biting off more than I can chew! So despite my itches, overwhelming energy, and drive right now, I'm planning and taking it slow, so I know that if I bite it off... I can chew it and swallow!!
I am pumped though because the weathers beautiful, families great, and I've been feeling very inspired and enchanted lately! Also wanted to share a message I got from a fitness friend ;) It tickled me pink And I wanted to share because people think little emails or notes are nothing, but they can be very touching, and I appreciate the support and encouragement!
I was running around an indoor play place with the kids on an Easter egg hunt, trying to plan my workout for later on that evening as a release from our crazy day... (story of my life). And I received a notification to my phone of a new message from a friend... so I open it up and here's what it read...
"So, I picked up a random book at the library. I finished it quickly bc it was a good read,one of those feelgood fiction novels. I read 'about the author' section, in the back. She is a regular woman. Stay at home, wife, 2 kids, typical soccer mom. She has always liked to write, though. So, she went ahead and wrote this book. I thought of you! One of these days, I better get an emal from you, saying that you have a book coming out!"
Totally made my day!! So thank you ;)
Short and Sweet Blog as this is a CRAZY Weekend, but just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Easter Weekend!
Updates coming SOON! Tis the season... I'll be judging a local show, attending a few, and who knows maybe prepping myself before you know it!!
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