You step out on that stage and glare into the lights head first, with not so much as a flutter. You give the judges a quick half smile as if to say “It’s show time, keep your eyes right here, I’m READY!”
It’s your time to shine!!!! This is what you’ve slaved for. You feel that rush go through your body, that rush that you live for. You squeeze every muscle from head to toe, and feel the blood PULSE through your veins. Strutting your stuff and holding your head up high, smiling from ear to ear, you glide across that stage as if you BELONG there. Not with an arrogance or cockiness, but with pride and respect for yourself, and this amazing sport and journey you have been lucky enough to have bring you to this stage. And at that very moment you KNOW… you just feel it in your bones - I HAVE WON!!!!
You made it up on stage in front of all these people, half naked and waiting for a panel of seven people to pick your body apart. As you are willingly being compared to other athletes with amazing physiques, you know you've put your body through hell and back and survived. You’ve battled your inner demons of self doubt and esteem and won. When it was pouring rain and you had to drag two infants to the gym, you went. When you were dog tired from 2 am feedings, you got up and did what you had to and stayed the course. When your house was a mess and you left it for the next day to do double cardio, you lived. All the countless number of school bake sales, birthday parties, play dates, BBQ's with all the tempting junk food; you brought your food, didn’t care about the stares, and stayed strong on your plan. Through your whole family (including you) having the stomach bug and puking for 24 hours you just got right back on plan the next day. And most significantly, when negative people around you implied you were crazy to get back on stage after just having twins… you wanted desperately to prove that you could do it and you did! At that moment on stage I had won, I had already won!
When all your work has molded your body into proof of your passion, discipline, dedication, sacrifice, and raw desire, you know you’ve WON. NO ONE can give you that feeling and NO ONE can take it away from you! It strictly comes from digging down deep into your soul and pushing further and harder than you’ve ever pushed before. It’s a glorifying, awe – inspiring, and an unexplainable feeling. At that time on stage you feel compelled to just scream “No one determines my destiny but me. I take FULL responsibility for ALL MY DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS. I don't do it for money. I don't do it for FAME. I don’t even do it for a trophy. I simply do it for ME!!!”
It’s your time to shine!!!! This is what you’ve slaved for. You feel that rush go through your body, that rush that you live for. You squeeze every muscle from head to toe, and feel the blood PULSE through your veins. Strutting your stuff and holding your head up high, smiling from ear to ear, you glide across that stage as if you BELONG there. Not with an arrogance or cockiness, but with pride and respect for yourself, and this amazing sport and journey you have been lucky enough to have bring you to this stage. And at that very moment you KNOW… you just feel it in your bones - I HAVE WON!!!!
You made it up on stage in front of all these people, half naked and waiting for a panel of seven people to pick your body apart. As you are willingly being compared to other athletes with amazing physiques, you know you've put your body through hell and back and survived. You’ve battled your inner demons of self doubt and esteem and won. When it was pouring rain and you had to drag two infants to the gym, you went. When you were dog tired from 2 am feedings, you got up and did what you had to and stayed the course. When your house was a mess and you left it for the next day to do double cardio, you lived. All the countless number of school bake sales, birthday parties, play dates, BBQ's with all the tempting junk food; you brought your food, didn’t care about the stares, and stayed strong on your plan. Through your whole family (including you) having the stomach bug and puking for 24 hours you just got right back on plan the next day. And most significantly, when negative people around you implied you were crazy to get back on stage after just having twins… you wanted desperately to prove that you could do it and you did! At that moment on stage I had won, I had already won!
When all your work has molded your body into proof of your passion, discipline, dedication, sacrifice, and raw desire, you know you’ve WON. NO ONE can give you that feeling and NO ONE can take it away from you! It strictly comes from digging down deep into your soul and pushing further and harder than you’ve ever pushed before. It’s a glorifying, awe – inspiring, and an unexplainable feeling. At that time on stage you feel compelled to just scream “No one determines my destiny but me. I take FULL responsibility for ALL MY DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS. I don't do it for money. I don't do it for FAME. I don’t even do it for a trophy. I simply do it for ME!!!”
Is it all about the experience? I use to think that was something we tell losers to make them feel better. But that's not the case, the truth in that statement can be found true of any competitor who has ever poured their heart into this sport and had “the balls” to step on stage. Everyone is a winner for pushing through and bringing their best package to stage… BELIEVE it because that is the code of a true competitor.

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