Sunday, July 22, 2012

Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.


This blog is going to be short and sweet. Fully enjoying my summer and although I thought I would be blogging more as I've had many subjects that have popped into my head, I've been enjoying my "unstructured time". Not that I need structure to blog, but I've literally been doing my necessities and then enjoying free time with my family. It has been so enjoyable! I'm a fast paced person, relaxing does not always come natural to me and I've come to realize my version of relaxing is not necessarily the normal version. I don't need to be sitting still. I don't always need a cocktail to relax. I don't need a slow pace, a good book, or even to be off my feet. For me because my life pulls me in so many different directions just focusing on ONE thing at a time is relaxing to me. For instance... being in the gym and focusing on NOTHING but that is relaxing in its own way to me. Being at a children's museum with my three kids - while I definitely wouldn't describe the hub bub of three kids pulling me in different directions for different things "relaxing" per say my focus is 100% THEM and so at that moment I am "at ease" of sorts, and in MY element.

Some women are not meant to be tamed. What does that mean? To me that means, not everyone will understand why I choose to live my life the way I do - Why I choose to wake up at 5:00 am to meet my girlfriend at the gym, or why I fully enjoy planning my children's birthday parties down to the personalized picnic utensils - while this seems stressful to some, it cathartic to me. Or how I switch from mommy role to partying role at the drop of  a hat. Or how I can be so strict with my rules and values of raising my children, but so lenient and open minded in my moral compass of judging others. Or why I add things onto my plate when I don't NEED TO, but because I simply want to. I cant say it enough -  I like busy, but what I like more is as I have grown I am now finding my balance of focusing on the task at hand so rewarding and fulfilling. The "task" being working on my business/training, working on my body, personal challenges, working on my quality time with my kids/husband, working on my house, working on my education, working on my reading for pleasure even... whatever it is I see it ALL as tasks to be completed. I know that may sound robotic or almost like it takes the fun out of life, but for me it makes it more inspiring, focused, and passionate. It's what keeps me challenged.

My weekend was everything I love wrapped up in a little package I like to call "my bubble" ;)

Friday - day trip to Boston spent the entire day in Boston at the Children's Museum with my loves, exploring, playing, and lunch outside on the water - couldn't have asked for a better day! Friday evening was an adult night of fun by the water in Newburyport with some cocktails and friends. Saturday morning started early with my husband up and out for golfing and myself meeting a client to work on a marketing plan and starting a website for her, very motivating, inspiring, fun meeting! Family/Pool Day Saturday and finished off with food shopping, cleaning, laundry and getting ready for meal planning for the week. But of course what really topped it off was a glass of wine, relaxing by the fire, and then snuggling up to read a great book. Sunday morning started off with getting outside with a great friend for an early morning bike ride, a healthy snack, tea and enjoying good company, health, and sun. Another wonderful family day and an ice cream treat with the fam to finish off a wonderful Sunday. But of course my Sunday was not complete until I went through all client check ins, went through fitness emails, and updated all those new clients for next month - a solid 2 hours of working and then blogging. It feels so good to know that I had a great weekend, got in some healthy/fit time, "relaxed', got in some quality time with family, quality time with friends, checked off some work lists and can ROLL it all in!!! This has always been my goal in life. Fitness, Fun, Family, and now I've just added business and career to that mix. A whole new phase of life. Exciting, invigorating, and makes me grateful for a husband and family who is so supportive they have just let me evolve from my crazy, selfish, spastic self into exactly what I needed to be. Untamed and loving but inspired and productive!


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