In December I ended up with sinus infection and a bad ear infection, and my Dad was mad because I was still doing cardio, I wasn't lifting cause my head hurt too badly, but I was still doing cardio. Why? Not because I'm obsessed with exercise, but because it was still my only break of the day, and honestly cardio sometimes makes me feel like I can breath better when I'm stuffed up. I remember on the day I finally decided to go to the doctors because my pain was so bad and she gave me antibiotics, I left there and went straight to Jump on In (a bouncy house play place) with the kids. And the day before we went to the movies to see Tangled in 3D, not because I want to be Super Mom, but because... what choice do I have? It was school vacation week. Who do I call in to? I am blessed to have family that I could call and have them help out with the kids, but I like to keep them on reserve for if I'm REALLY REALLY SICK. Just like work, you don't call in for everything.
Let me break Down my "SICK DAY" - As I begin to blog more throughout my semester I will be "journaling" the good the bad the ugly. Some people keep journals of their preps on message board, I'll be somewhat doing that here. Some workouts, some meals etc. This is the easiest way to A- stay accountable B - not have to be hugely creative (cause my focus right now is school) and C - motivate others who's schedule is as crazy as mine but determination is just as strong!
4:30 wake up, 5 am cardio - 30 minutes
5:30- home shower, meal 1, homework, threw in a load of laundry
7 Am - Get B up - breakfast, make lunch, help get ready
7:30 - Boys up - breakfast, get ready
8:15 - B off to school
8:45 - Boys to school
9:15 - Client's home to train (meal 2 in the car before heading in)
11:00 - back to the gym ab/plyo/cardio
12:15 - pick up boys
Meal 3 - Subway for lunch with the boys - I had a salad with peppers, tomatoes, olives, double meat and balsamic it was pretty good.
Hit Target for a bit to grab a few things.
1:30 - back home to clean up and do chores - switched laundry, empty dishwasher, emptied all the trashs, wiped down counters and tables, swept. This is what kills me though, despite all my efforts, my house never looks CLEAN to me, well its clean just not spotless. It's pretty easy to see why - I wipe down the table, move the chairs, sweep, and clear everything and for about 20 minutes it stays that way. Until they're thirsty and hungry for a snack... pop tart crumbs all over the table and onto the floor and juice cups back out. Then I clean up and sweep the living room, only to see my encouragement of the boys using scissors really paid off as Bryce has been cutting everything. Today he decided to do his own little craft, which I allow because I am the type of Mom that yes stuff gets messy but if they are using skills that are good for them and occupied I'm all for it. He took the paper heart we made and cut it into a million bazillion tiny little pieces all OVER my recently cleaned living room floor and couch. I emptied the sink, cleaned up old dishes, yet by the time my husband gets home at 4:30 or so it will be half filled again quickly. Clean the toilets (which no one notices UNLESS you DON'T do it), and noticed my baseboards could use a little dusting/pledge, but that will have to wait. And the four loads of laundry I washed dried and folded well its neatly stacked on my ottoman in my living room waiting to be put away. So really how nice is that if company stops by, hi um nice of you to do your laundry but how bout you put it away? Slob. lol And so on and so forth, clean one thing, mess another its how we roll.
2:30 - pick up B and spend a half hour fighting on the phone to Sears trying to find a fuse ball table that was ordered on January 2nd! It is now February 15th and they haven't found it yet - Got that resolved, but only after I was mistakenly transferred to a store in ATLANTA, GA! Seriously?! So that's ready to be picked up! A 42 inch fuse ball table... might as well call my house Chucke E Cheese :)
Homework, snack, finish laundry, get B ready for Daddy to bring her for 5:15 dance, in the meantime I need to print out my Chemistry slides - SO Much Fun *insert sarcasm here* and organize those (which the boys so graciously helped with, they love getting the papers out of the printer however they do not always keep them in order - meh they're 4 lol I'll train em! ;)) and Off to Class for 6-9.
I usually have a protein shake and a piece of fruit before class and then chicken and vegetables when I get home because its late but if I end the day on a protein shake hours before bed I will go to bed WAY too hungry, and on longer days I can use the extra meal of protein!
By the time I get home its 9 - thankfully I have a husband who put the kids to bed, and has my meal waiting for me (he's too sweet.) So I sit eat, chill with him for a bit, shower, finish up some homework and off to la la land because 4:30 comes quickly.
Day Three of being sick it's Wednesday - Now my throat is no longer as bad because it's started to settle in my chest. I woke up a few times with that gasping for air feeling in the middle of the night only to cough up a bunch of junk - FUN. May I add that we think this little cold came from the kids going to a gymnastics party on Valentine's weekend. My husband would like them to live in a bubble during the winter, he hates germs! I mean who doesn't? But I say awwwwww they have to have fun. Well guess I'm eating those words, since the end result is me sick. Those places are so germy even if they clean a lot which I know this place sanitizes, it is inevitably GERMY - any place like that with a lot of kids, has a lot of germs. Well my kids come home with runny noses two days later, but it doesn't really phase them much. But us adults it never really leaves quite as quickly for us, it always lingers and runs through our whole body. Kids are so resilient.
So Wednesday
wake-up 4:30, 5AM cardio - 30 minutes
Home - shower, meal 1, tea, check emails, facebook, etc. - now I really don't feel good. I believe my facebook status this morning was : Cardio and breakfast eaten, I was motivated, but now I'm Sippin a hot cup of green tea, hoping it helps my sore/scratchy throat and trying to plot out how I can stay in bed today... so far I got bupkis... mommies can't get sick...
7 Am - Get B up - breakfast, make lunch, help get ready
7:30 - Boys up - breakfast, get ready
8:15 - B off to school
9 - Dentist Appointment with the boys Meal 2
11:30 - head home - lunch with the boys
12:00 - Meal 3
Trained Client
Trained Back: My workout:
Giant Sets - 4 total circuits
Hammer Strength Row 10 reps 100lbs
Reverse Grip Pulldowns 6 Reps - 120 lbs
Dumbbell DeadLifts - 80 lbs - 10 reps
Cable Rows - 95 lbs 10 reps
Rest at the end of each circuit two minutes go again
Back extensions w/ 10lb plate X15 reps
Shrugs 20 reps
20 minutes intervals on stairs
Post Workout Meal
Picked up B from school - 2:45
Dropped off at Dance - 3:30
Home Depot - Dealt with an annoying confused counter top guy who first told me I had 19 square feet to cover, then told me I had 37. Who also priced out the name brand $245 dollars cheaper than the generic, and I wanted the generic but not for MORE MONEY! Needless to say I need to go back and find another counter top guy!
4:30 drop off books at the library, hit bank
5:30 back to pick up B from dance
6:00 - Home, chill, meal 5
7:00 - off to teach Boot Camp - Which again I cannot explain how much it motivates me to teach people and see them work hard for what they want. It just so happens that one of my clients is sick too. Yes she missed on Monday to go to the doctors, got antibiotics, and was there Wednesday still not feeling well but working her hardest! That is motivating and encouraging to know that ethic of pushing through bounces off of each other.
8:30 head home
Now this happened to be a day that included no housework, no laundry, and no homework, because well I wasn't home, I was running a little, but don't worry tomorrow it'll be waiting for me.
Wednesday night I made a conscious effort to not get up for AM cardio as I seem to be getting sicker and not better. I figured instead of getting 5 and half hours of sleep to do am cardio, I could get 7 and a half hours and hopefully the extra rest and the taking my time in the morning - as that is the worst time with congestion, would help. Well the rest definitely made a difference, but I still didn't sound or feel better yet. So I decided Thursday needed to be a FULL REST NO GYM DAY. I believe in off days but I don't usually schedule them because with my life and schedule they usually just create themselves forced like this one SO I realized I hadn't been off Since last Friday so that was actually good to take off. But REST in the fullest term is all relative... When I think of rest I think not leaving the house, maybe not even leaving your Pjs, naps, cold meds, hot showers... YEAH NO that's not how my rest days go, or many people for that matter.
I did my normal morning routine instead of waking up at 4:30 I slept till 6:30 - which does feel good don't get me wrong, but I get less time so the stress of rushing a little more doesn't always balance out. Got the kids up, off to school trained my first clients, got my meals in, hit the bank, had a business meeting to set up a nutrition seminar and the next bootcamp, pick my boys up, took them outside to play, made my daughters b-day invitations, cleaned, and went to my Chemistry class for 6 - BUT I was proud I did TAKE A DAY OFF FROM THE GYM. I honestly felt like I could go, but I'm TRYING to be proactive about not getting too run down. So I've been downing tons of fluid, upping my vit C and TRYING my best to REST when I can. It's a process.
Today is Friday it took me three days to write this Blog because of lack of time, however I am glad that I am not feeling any WORSE, not any better, but not any worse, which is good. This cold has managed to travel from my throat, to my chest, and now into my head, I'm hoping that means its on its way OUT! I am hitting the gym today but am listening to my body, I'm also hitting Chuck E Cheese for a play date - DAMN GERMS! But Hand sanitizer will be our BFF. Tonight and tomorrow night I have two events to bartend for at my very part time job at an arena, Saturday Morning I have Boot Camp and then Sunday NOTHING - ALTHOUGH I think we will be painting my kitchen!! I'm still going to focus on resting, vit C and fluids!!! I need to feel 100% better Because NEXT WEEK IS SCHOOL VACATION WEEK AND WE HAVE LOTS OF PLANS! Disney on Ice in Boston, A sleepover, Children's Museum, a movie Date, and I want to be on par with my workouts as well!! So FINGERS CROSSED THIS COLD WILL BITE IT SOON!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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