Now the next update could not have been timed better. So I went to class eager to get our grades back from Tuesday and we didn't. I was frustrated with that AND frustrated with the fact that the next few days were a little crazy and I was nervous about getting everything done. And then I wake up and see the next update on Lean Bodies Page: Messing up a day doesn't mean a person isn't committed. Commitment doesn't mean automatic perfection. Commitment is a mindset and it becomes obvious in behavior, choices and planning since mindset determines behavior. THIS HIT HOME!!! It was like someone was saying JUST DO IT. DO IT YOUR BEST. You'll know deep down if you did your best or not... JUST DO IT.
Black or white, hot or cold, IN or out, this was how my brain worked for a long time. It's either you do something 100% or you don't do it at all. You know how many things I have NOT done because it couldn't be 100%? Looking back now, its ridiculous. It's frustrating, but I have WORKED HARD to do more and think less. Now every once in a while I get wrapped up, but it's so much shorter lived than I use to. My life is not ALL OR NOTHING anymore. I have too many amazing facets - family, business, fitness, school, fun, that I'm not willing to sacrifice ALL for ANYTHING. INSTEAD I have to change my mindset and ADAPT. Make it work. What I wrote on that status and is so true: I so needed to read this!! As a student, business owner, mom of three, wife, and part time spaz who always has my hands in something. The perfectionist in me starts to have meltdowns when something is not perfect. I am learning that small steps, consistency, determination, and perseverance mean more than perfection. Kills me to write it but there is no perfect.
THERE IS NO PERFECT. Say it again and again. When you have those rough days, don't make excuses or wallow in them, stay focused and committed. Today I woke up and knew that I had a packed day. I had a very small window for the gym and I had to use it wisely. I arrived at the gym at 12:20 and I needed to complete my workout in time to make an eyebrow appointment for 1:45. Now that sounds like a decent window however I needed to lift and do cardio and normally I like to allot for an hour and a half span at least; 45 minutes lifting, 45 minutes cardio. Again my goals are very specific and I am a perfectionist when I have something planned out and it doesn't go as planned I feel as though I failed. If I wanted 45 minutes of cardio and only got 35 I feel I messed up. It doesn't seem significant, but again when I'm committed to a goal its all the way. Today I decided since I was inspired by the idea of changing my mindset, I would change my workout a little. Again sounds like not a big deal, but when I'm working on a plan it is kinda a big deal to me, something I've learned to go with the flow with. I use to carry a log book LIKE A BIBLE and while I truly believe there is great benefit in doing that, I also believe sometimes you have to live a little in the gym LOL so this was what I did I "squeezed" it in and it was great!
Shoulder Press Machine 4 sets pyramid down in reps up in weight
Superset with Reverse Pec Dec 4 sets 10 - 12
1.40 X 12 60X10
2. 50 X 10 60X10
3. 60 X 8 60X8 got too heavy remember this is 3rd superset by now
4. 70X6 so I went down to 52.5 X10
EZ BAR Upright Rows 4 sets 40 X12
Super set With Dumbbell Side Laterals 4 sets 15X10 for the first two LAST two sets I died out till I couldn't lift them and got 15X 8 and a half each set.
Now to me this is somewhat lower volume and a shorter workout than normal. HOWEVER it still felt like a good workout because I focused on intensity, moving, form, the weights are definitely not spectacular but they did the job. I also knew I was following this workout with a routine that would also incorporate shoulders.
This workout above was completed in 25 minutes which brought me to start my next portion which was barbell complexes at around 12:50. Now this workout was again posted by Lean Bodies Consulting and since I found my motivation through them on this particular morning and wanted a FULL yet different workout I found it only fitting to throw this is.
Here is the layout from Lean Bodies Consulting:
Deadlifts x6
RDLs x6
Barbell Rows x6
Hang Cleans x6
Front Squats x6
Push Press x6
Full Squats x6
Good Mornings x6
Each movement transitions into the next so you're never putting the bar down. Go lighter than you think at first, trust me. Rest 60s at the end of the round and keep going for 20 minutes. Then lie down and recover.
I completed this full rotation for a total of 5 times in the twenty minutes using a 45 pound Olympic bar. However and this happened to me last time as well because I did it following shoulders, after the second rotation just for push presses I did need to drop down to a 30 lb barbell and switch it out quickly for that one exercise my shoulders where not having it, and my form was at risk of being altered.
Finished that, filled my water, wiped my face, sanitized, and hopped on the stairs for 30 minutes to finish myself off. Washed my face and hands wet my hair pulled it back neater, changed my shirt and went and got my eye brows done. Lalalalalalalala :) I FELT LIKE A MILLION BUCKS!!! And it was a run around weekend I needed that positive energy! I went from there to clean my house, pick up my daughter for school, and get my house ready for her birthday party the next day. I got supper ready, and then got her ready to go to her dance pep rally party. Dropped her off for two hours and I hit Target, Bjs, the party store and then picked her back up and went home for 9pm. Put all the party stuff away and set up a little. I still needed to get her cake she wanted a specific Carvel ice cream cake I was having a hard time finding.
Saturday Morning I woke up and was off to teach my bootcamp! Met a client after that to train and hit up my own workout. Hit a few more stores and found the coveted M&M Carvel Ice Cream cake for the birthday girl. Headed home and showered and got ready for the day. Took my daughter and her girlfriends to the Salon for a Glam Party they got their nails, make-up and hair done, and then back to our house for pizza, cake, presents, and a sleepover! The kids had a blast and well so did I, what other excuse do I have to do double turns in my living room? Sing and dance like a goofball, Watch 17 Again, and listen to girl talk LOL Needless to say I was up till 2 in the morning. And bright and early the next day it was clean up from the mess, get the girls ready to go home, and My father in Law and Husband where putting in new counter tops in our kitchen!! Which I have to say came out beautifully. So here we were RIPPED UP KITCHEN, NO SINK, sawdust everywhere... NEVER A DULL MOMENT. I did take Sunday totally off from the gym, although I wouldn't call it a day of rest LOL, needless to say by Sunday night I was in bed by 9pm PASSED OUT!! And Monday morning right back at it! Why? Because I am committed! I am committed to first being the best mother I can be, I am committed to my marriage. I am committed to achieving my goals. What they are well there are too many to list for now, I am looking semester at a time in few month blocks and longer term ones are coming as the shorter ones get knocked out of the park.
I started this blog last Friday night it took me till tonight Tuesday to complete it because I've been so busy, but that's okay. I will say this: my weight goal to hit by my daughter's birthday weekend was hit. My Chemistry grade goal to hit was hit. My house renovations goal by March 18th will be hit. My goals in terms of my boot camp was hit. SO slowly but surely bigger goals will come :) I am learning that small steps, consistency, determination, and perseverance mean more than perfection. And I am TEACHING IT AND SHARING IT. Don't sweat the small stuff, look at the big picture. But make your consistent small stuff amount to BIG STUFF!!!

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