Well this BLOG is going to be all over the place - JUST warning ya - more so than usual LOL And the reason for that is... dun dun dun I'm back to SCHOOL! My dedicated blog, answer questions, surf the boards time is eaten by homework time. If this (FITNESS) was my full time gig (which maybe someday it will be), you best believe I would be on top of every question, every blog, every recipe, every picture, every documented workout, every idea, every motivational piece, like white on RICE. However my reality is I do personal training part time through my own business, I go to school part time, I have three children, a husband, a house, and I PRACTICE what I preach and workout 5 times a week, sometimes doubles! And I would GLADLY GLADLY crazily enough even add competing back into that mix if I can find the time, money, and support from my family. So again bear with me. I apologize if I don't answer every email, if I don't write every blog as I plan. But please keep sending them, as I will get to them as I can, and I enjoy the interactions! So thank you!
So let's first talk WEATHER! Hows the Weather? Well over the weekend and early this week my car read -3 yes NEGATIVE THREE. Now since I have had a car with a digital temp, which has been at least the last 5 or 6 years, I have never seen a negative show up on it. It was F-ing COLD!!! (excuse my language but it was!)

That's in fact to me far WORSE than the 60.3 inches of snowfall we have had so far this year in Boston!

Yes. That's Shaq.
My boot camp has kicked off and as expected is a BLAST! I love getting the texts, emails and Voice mails :
"I'm sore sore, I can't walk".
"I am peeing like crazy!"
"I am actually hungry when it's time to eat."
"I put a handful of chips in my mouth without thinking and SPIT them in the trash as soon as I thought of you. BAD HABIT!"
ALL music to a trainers ears :)
What about Me? Where I am fitness wise? Focused and LOVING IT. I am looking to purchase in home cardio equipment, not to replace my cardio time at the gym because honestly I enjoy getting out of the house, but to supplement it. With all this snow, we have had 5 snow days already this month, its not always "easy" to get out of the house for cardio and I'm at the point where it's not an option. If I wrote it in my planner for the week, IT WILL GET DONE. With my crazy schedule now with extra school work too I can't always afford to go to bed as early as I hope. When waking up at 4:35 for AM cardio I need to try to be in bed by 10:30. Well when I sometimes can't start homework till 9:00ish after the kids are asleep or I'm home from school, I can't always depend on making a decent bed time happen. And to me anything less than 6 hours sleep consistently while training, working, dealing with family life, and focusing on school is just counter productive. So having cardio at home to help with time management in the morning will help too. Let me just give you a "typical day" I'll give you a Wednesday, when I don't even have class, or clients, and the boys don't have school (Tuesdays and Thursdays are my crazier days lol) Maybe I'll break that down next blog:
"A Wednesday"
*AM CARDIO 5 - home for 6 shower ready for the day, eat meal 1
*Get the kids up, lunches, dressed and ready for school out of the house for 8:20 drop off my daughter at school
*Gym for lifting weights followed by Meal 2
*Then we usually schedule a play date or go to a play place with the boys, on the days we don't have errands to do or I don't have to train a client which sometimes we'll through in there as well - somewhere in there meal 3
*Pack my daughters dance bag and a MEAL for her as well because she stays and does her homework and eats in between classes
*Pick my daughter up from school 2:45 - drop her off at Dance for 3:30
*Home to do daily cleaning, laundry, get dinner ready (even though I cook batches for the week) I pretty much cook frequently as well, although hubby does help A LOT with cooking too, when he gets in his moods more so in the summer cause he loves his grill! But we go through a lot of food and although my staples may be made in the fridge I enjoy fresh hot something at night as a family, I try not to eat dinner out of tubberware if we can. Meal 4
*Then 7:15 I teach bootcamp for an hour and head back to dance to pick up my daughter from dance. Meal 5
*9:00 We're home, my husband usually has already done bed routines with the boys, so I just get my daughter in the shower and tuck in and read them a story and then 9:30 on I have quiet time. Now mind you I pretty much haven't seen my husband much all day, I need to shower again, AND I probably have homework, or client emails to get to. Hence why 10:30 hasn't been happening.
Now this is not a complaint of my life! Believe it or not it's EXACTLY how I want it!! I am involved in every step of my children's life which I want! I am pursuing my own business, SOMETHING I LOVE! And I am back in school because even though I could grow my business and be perfectly happy, I want something even more solid to fall back on. And education is priceless, it took me long enough to realize that. Honestly a huge goal for me is that I don't want my children to ever be able to say to me "well you didn't finish college and you turned out fine." And while I know some VERY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE that I look up to that did not finish college, we live in a different time now. Kids cannot go to school for 12 years anymore, it's pretty much just 16 minimum. And if they're anything like me they'll like money far more than school and it's so easy to get wrapped up in making it when you're young and not focus on the big picture. So if NOTHING else I get out of my education it's to be a ROLE MODEL for my children.
With that said SCHOOL! This Semester I am taking Physiological Chemistry! Words cannot express the anxiety I have about this class. It's the reason I won't commit to much else this semester (LIKE COMPETING!) until I take my first mid term and know that I'm okay. I will stay up late nights, I will sacrifice every weekend I will do whatever it takes because of all my classes I have to take to get my degrees THIS CLASS is the only one haunting me. It looks like a foreign language to me, they may as well write it in Chinese because that's what it looks like to me.

So if I disappear of the face of the earth this semester, I'm not being dramatic, just focused. I hope I am making more of it than it is, but judging by the professor's introduction I don't think I am: He's going for his PHD In Chemistry and says: "I still struggle with it. It's not easy. It's a lot of work and you just have to keep working at it, and working at it, and working at it." Sounds fun huh? Albert Einstein himself said: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." Now here's the kicker, if I were going for my bachelors and needed the class I could handle just passing. But because I am required to take this class to be accepted into the Radiology Technologist Program, I HAVE TO GET A B OR HIGHER to get into the program. No pressure right? LOL But enough of the freaking myself out talk: I WILL DO THIS!
Another class I'm taking is Philosophy. And I know I am going to offend MANY "intellectuals" when I say this, but - EASY CLASS. Any class that focuses on ideas verses true right or wrong answers works the brain in a different way, PERIOD. For me, its easier. One of our papers is debating what the meaning of education involves. To me personally ENGINEERS,DOCTORS, CHEMISTRY Professors, PHYSICS Professors, HIGHER MATH Professors, are the most intelligent people in the world. Philosophers are simply good speakers, or just enjoy hearing themselves talk. Just my opinion, it's no disrespect. I simply don't consider this as a class, more like a discussion to learn views. Interesting? Somewhat, yes. Educational? Debatable. And I do see it is good for people to learn to be more well rounded, but if you're interested in it, this is something you could easily learn on your own. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who actually enjoys discussions like this, I just can't imagine spending all that money to have a piece of paper that says I'm "educated" in it. But to each his own. From my recent Philosophy Reading: "Since the existence of God is either logically necessary or logically impossible, and we can show that it is not logically impossible, we must conclude that the existence of God is logically necessary. Therefore God necessarily exists." Maybe I'm just not that deep, but that to me does not sound like something an intelligent person would say, that sounds like something someone who wants to talk around an answer would say. But I digress.
Totally changing tracks another little Marriage Story :) : So I started to post this as a facebook status and stopped myself because I have the 10 minute rule: Sometimes I post when I'm upset and then feel like I really didn't need to vent that, and Ern says I THROW HIM UNDER THE BUS lol, so now I save it for something good!! haha So I started to post: "Nothing says honey I appreciate you being home with the kids, playing outside with them in the freezing cold and mounds of snow, cooking all their meals, cleaning the house top to bottom quite like walking across clean floors with your WET BOOTS!" But I stopped myself and I'm glad I did. Let me explain the scenario: Yesterday was a snow day and I thought I was going to be able to sleep in since the kids didn't have school. However 6 something in the morning, Ern comes up and says my cars stuck and I can't get it out, could you come out and help me and your Dad. So grumpily, I get dressed and go outside. It's freezing and snowing and we all salt, push, shovel, salt some more and finally push the car out. Ern goes off to work in the horrible snow and I go back in the house with the kids. Now he drove in the storm to work, had a normal day, worked hard all day and came home. Meanwhile I entertained 3 stir crazy kids! We played "hotel", Where I basically serve them LOL no different from a normal day just more fun cause it's my hotel LOL, We got all bundled up and played outside for an hour. The snow was so deep we had to shovel a path in the yard! We came in had lunch and then I cleaned like a maniac for two and a half hours. I mean gloves, on hands and knees, baseboards, tubs, toilets, floors the whole nine, the whole while trying to keep the kids from stepping on wet floors or peeing on cleaning toilets LOL no easy task. Then I started dinner BEFORE I had to head to class at 6. Ern comes home from work and is sitting at the table we said hello and he went upstairs to take a work call and THEN IT HAPPENED. I STEPPED IN WETNESS!!! WETNESS on my freshly cleaned floor? What was this? OMG!!! There in the kitchen, which means he walked ACROSS THE DINING ROOM hardwood that was sparkling clean, sat his WET BOOTS!! I literally felt my face get hot, and I so don't want to be that wife! However sometimes, instinct prevails. So I YELLED: "I just cleaned the HOUSE for two and a HALF HOURS and you just walked across the clean floors with YOUR WET BOOTS! SERIOUSLY?!?" Then I complained that the kids socks where gonna get wet and made a big huge dramatic ordeal and got down on my hands and knees again to clean it. He totally rolled his eyes, shrugged it off, and walked away (sometimes that's the best way to deal with me) but this time that reaction just pissed me off MORE. So I gave myself the 10 minutes - I didn't speak, I didn't update my status even though I wanted to because I knew so many housewives could relate, I just cooked without speaking a word... FUMING. And as I calmed down I heard him on the phone for work, and it hit me. Yes I had a busy day at home, but he drove to work TO BOSTON at that, in this weather. Worked 10 hours without blinking I'm sure it was cold and when the wind blew, snow went in his face, and I'm sure traffic was horrendous, and here he was still on the work phone even though he was home. And it wasn't like I was going to wait on him hand and foot the rest of the night. I had class so he was home with the kids to have dinner with them, clean up, and put them to bed by himself. And that was it, I wasn't mad anymore. Was it inconsiderate for him to walk across the floors? ABSOLUTELY. Did it warrant me flipping out? Probably not. LOL His Version of the day and my version of the day were totally different. Woman are from Venus, Men are from Mars and just leave it at that. Sometimes 10 minutes to cool down and think before you react can be a beautiful thing. Hey look at that, I'm growing up ;) Because on the flip side Ern's mind could think: "Nothing says I appreciate you working so hard for our family better than yelling at your husband the minute he walks in the door from along FRIGID SNOW DAY for forgetting to take of his boots." So every story has two sides, taking the time to realize that = PRICELESS. Just thought I'd share :)
I do have three meal idea blogs I want to work on, and the cellulite, and at home workout questions. I feel bad for not being able to get to them sooner, but I can't promise anything. As you can see from my sample day "free time" is SPORADIC. And I need to squeeze in time to PAINT my KITCHEN, do a little more decorating, and my daughter Bianca starts her dance competitions soon she has a full on rehearsal this Sunday. I will leave you with quote and hope everyone has an AMAZING WEEKEND!
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn

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