Anywho AUGUST FIRST = GOALS. I'm going to set a blog one for myself that ties into fitness. As the month of August I have two boot camp sessions that are full!! Several online clients, and a handful of in home clients I stay on top of fitness correspondence anyway. One thing I do miss about competing is in the fitness world many would keep fitness journals of their fitness preps, myself included. It was a great outlet. A dear Diary if you will to share your journey. Your ups, your downs, your diet confessions, your workouts, your day etc. It was as I said, a great way to both interact, get encouragement, encourage, and stay accountable to your goals with like minded individuals. Because that can be time consuming interacting too much, my goal for the month of August is to "journal" if you will, here at my blog. Some days will be short and sweet, some days will be vents/check ins/confessions. If you want to follow along please subscribe to my blog as I see hundreds and hundreds of views but realize many are not subscribed, and I wont be posting links to facebook each entry as its only for those interested in following. Also if you are subscribed and following you can comment/ask questions etc.
So AUGUST FIRST - my check in. I have been living the healthy fit, eating mostly clean lifestyle now with balance for about two years. Balance of staying dedicated to the gym and my workouts, encouraging my clients by setting an example. And eating clean about 80% of the time and still indulging in treats here and there and during the summer winnnnneeeeeee. I've mentioned before your plan needs to align with your goals. Its cyclical for me depending on events/holidays and with the summer I have been equally as focused on fitness as I have been on wine because its my balance. I have extra time to work out and I have extra time to drink wine :) Therefore my physique goals have been simply feel good in a bikini, be healthy - nothing more, nothing less.
NOW - August first comes and I feel a smiggen of this pressure coming over me, and I'm trying my best to not let it get to me. We still have plenty of summer left but I have a LIST of things in my head that need to be done before August 27th (the night before the kids first day of school). I REFUSE to stress too much so I'm also using this fitness journal blog as an outlet to focus on my peace and not the million things I need to do. In my head the thoughts are swimming... I have almost 25 clients this month to take care of. I'm not use to being so busy in the summer months - ZERO complaints because this is great! Business has been expanding but I'm making sure I have it under control. We have dance camp, school shopping, my own school orientation, educational/fun workshops, playdates,getting my schedule set for fall, a cast coming off, a wedding, a baby boy with a cut still trying to heal. And then at the end of the month we're celebrating my 30th birthday a couple weeks early with a fun night/day in Foxwoods. These are all great things!! Not a negative among them (well except my boo boo boy) I just feel that "pressure" a little of August first.
So my fitness goals - there's 80% clean and focused and then there 100% clean and focused for competing - I'm trying to find about 93% to be completely honest for the next few weeks. Just my own little personal goal, my own little challenge. I want to challenge myself NOW while I can before school starts and that will be my focus.So I've stepped up my dedication a bit in the gym and I've cleaned up the nutrition a bit too - after our trip to Ben and Jerry's of course. And suddenly I remember the DIFFERENCE between 80% and even 90 % never mind 100%. THERE IS A BIGGGGG DIFFERENCE. No more nibbles here and there, even less processed convenient things. HOLY COW it makes your metabolism CRAZY!! 45 minutes on a preset interval program on the stairs is NOTHING compared to a real old fashion change the levels by yourself challenging interval HIIT session... holy sweat buckets and OUCH - kicked my butt but felt SOOOO good!!! And serious question - WHO THE HELL can do level 20 on the stairs?!?! Seriously!! Unless you're 6 feet tall or an olympic athlete it seems damn near impossible! Oh wait let me add WITHOUT breaking out all of your teeth falling. The highest I've hit this week was 15 and I was running on the stairs and legit a little scared for my life! INTENSE! But it was the push and jump I needed.
So my goal for AUGUST - to lose one lb of body fat per week. I know doesn't sound aggressive at all. but one pound of PURE fat, not muscle not water. 4 lbs of fat over the month. At the stage I'm at that's all I want or am willing to fight for at the moment, while keeping some balance. I may not be able to tell by the scale, I may not be able to tell by getting my body fat tested but I will be able to tell by my abs. pics don't lie.
So here is my starting pic taken today - lets see what 4 weeks can do :)

I actually technically started on July 31st - because we got back home and I was ready to start but I'm really still to be 100% getting onto plan 100%. You know you are eating cleaner when weird things you would NEVER touch all of a sudden are SOOOOO appealing!! Today I was STARVING - and I eat SEVERAL times a day!! PLENTY OF FOOD - just need to crush my cravings and get use to this - I opened Bryce's chocolate pudding and licked the cover! WHY?! I dont know couldnt tell you. I havent eaten pudding since I was a kid, nor ever had a desire to but I'll tell you - it was DELICIOUS! That's all I had a lick - I apparently enjoy torturing myself! Later that day Bryce didnt finish his SMORE poptart - damn kid - eats my rice cakes when he smore pop tarts and then has the NERVE not to finish it. I'd be lying if I didnt say I took off the top quarter of the poptart before throwing it away and it was soooooo good!! SMORE poptarts are the damn devil. And last little nibble of the day - I came upstairs to charge my phone and get ready for the gym and what did my husband leave out?!?! An open bag of sour cream and onion chips? So I popped a few before closing them up and putting them away. There - my nibble confessions for the day!! But my food is prepped, measured, and I did great the rest of the day and finished this evening off with a great workout. I feel my fire coming back. I just need to cut the nibble crap. I'm a fan of if I'm hungry I'll just eat more healthy food, not nibble on nonsense. A cheat is a cheat - scheduled allowed and guilt free - those little nibbles do nothing but mess with your head and willpower.
So here we go to August FIRST - MORE SUN, FUN, SUCCESS, and FOCUS!!
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